Emulsion quality WG2 report Thanks to all the OPERA colleagues who are engaged on handling and developing emulsion.
Sticking to the next (4 plates) Dust Water (glycerin solution) drops (by lack of driwel) Develop Thickening Problems reported on films shipped to Nagoya Due to holders mechanical problems and human mistakes. It is strictly needed to check develop stainless holders and film insertion into holders. Due to old solutions (stop & clean), human mistake
Chemicals control We agreed on the following quality checks on fresh chemicals: Develop : PH + ORP (at every tank new filling) Stop & Clean : PH + transparecy ( to avoid dust on films) Fix : PH + PAg Thickner : density + driwell (Y/N) using fast film immersion Each test must be performed after preparation and usage
Film quality check after development In order to have a fast and reliable cross-check between film quality and development procedure everyday at least 10 films will be checked. We need to investigate: Fog density Thickness Image quality Grain density The estimated time needed for this job is 2 hours. In each develop team at least one person will be trained for this job.
Next run activty Develop team duties: ON THE GROUND Chemicals preparation Chemicals quality check Brick opening Brick unpiling Optical marking Develop holders filling Development control Film drying check Film quality check Film preparation for shipment Lab cleaning UNDERGROUND CS optical marking CS development CS delivery to scanning station Shift A ( 4 people + Chemist) Shift B ( 2 ON + 2 UNDER people)
Next run activty Team coordinator duties: Chemicals preparation supervision Chemicals quality check supervision Chemicals disposal scheduling Brick opening and development scheduling and supervision Data storage and DB supervision Film quality check data analysis Team profile: Team coordinator ( 1 week full day) – OPERA physicist Shift A & B coordinator ( 1 week 8 h/day) – OPERA physicist/ technician external man power + LNGS chemical service Remark: bricks/day