BACK TO SCHOOL!!! 5 th /6 th Grade
Classroom Management Tickets Each student will be given a management ticket at the beginning of the week. These tickets have four categories: Behavior Each student will get two warnings prior to their card being punched depending on the severity of the behavior. Missing Work Student cards will be punched when an assignment is not submitted on time. Unprepared Student cards will be punched when a student comes to class unprepared. Bathroom Bathroom passes will be initialed when used. Students get two bathroom passes per week; bathroom pass use does not have a negative consequence.
Classroom Management Tickets
After School Detention Ticket After School Detention Name: ________________________________________ Date: _________________________________________ Reason for Detention:___________________________ ___________________________________________ ___
Ticket Storage Classroom Management Tickets will be stored at the school, in your student’s homeroom classroom. Lost tickets will not be replaced and the student will be assigned an after school detention. After School Detention Tickets will be sent home as written documentation of ASD.
Ticket Consequences Each student will be given a management ticket at the beginning of the week. These tickets have four categories: Behavior - Each student will get two warnings prior to their card being punched depending on the severity of the behavior. Missing Work - Student cards will be punched when an assignment is not submitted on time. Unprepared - Student cards will be punched when a student comes to class unprepared or arrives late. Bathroom - Bathroom passes will be punched when used. Students get two bathroom passes per week; bathroom pass use does not have a negative consequence. When students receive three punches they will be required to spend their afternoon in a 15 minute after school detention (that day) from 3:50 – 4:05. When detention is assigned, students will be given a note to take home. They will also call and talk to a parent about their after school detention. In the event that parent contact is not made that day, the detention will be the following day after the note has been sent home. How the punches work: One punch = Student will miss one recess. Two punches = Student will copy the discipline essay during their recess until completed. Three punches = Student will be assigned to after school detention. More than three punches in one day = Punches above three will add five minutes of after school detention per punch. This will not extend the day, but will add a portion of detention on the next day.
Ticket Rewards Rewards for Awesomeness: At the end of each term students will be rewarded with a Fun Friday. Student attendance at the Fun Friday will depend on their punch cards as well and will get progressively harder to obtain. Term one = 6 cards without punches. Term two = 6 cards without punches. Term three = 7 cards without punches. Term four = 8 cards without punches.
Two Week Training We will also be having a Fun Friday at the end of the two-week training period at the beginning of the school year; which will require that their cards have less than four punches for the two-week training period.
Tips for Fifth and Sixth Grade Welcome back to school! We are excited for our year to start; you are going to learn an incredible amount. Here are a few tips to help you get off to a great start and keep it up through the year. Switching – Our students switch for classes. They will spend about three hours of their day with the Language Arts teacher for their grade. Miss Boone teaching sixth grade and Mrs. England teaching fifth. Students will also spend about 1.5 hours each in Math and Science/Social Studies. Mr. Brough teaching Science/Social Studies and Math being taught by Mr. Johnson. Backpacks – Due to switching classes students will not have in-class storage for personal items. Please send your child to school with a backpack (nothing fancy). Students will carry library books, pocket folders, a math journal, science journal, and other light weight items. School text books will be kept in the classroom. School Supplies – Here are some things that would be helpful for us if you would like to make any donations. Although we start the school with many of these items we often run out. We appreciate anything that you’d like to contribute, the most needed items include: clorox wipes tissues glue sticks colored pencils reward snacks & items School Rules – School rules are documented in the Silver Hills folder with your registration information. Please remember that we are not responsible for your cell phones or any other personal items (please leave those things safely at home). Permanent markers are not allowed for student use in school. In addition, remember the dress code and be aware that we will have you call home and/or cover up if you are inappropriately dressed for school. Failure to follow school rules will result in a punch on your management ticket. Computers – For students who do not have access to a computer at home, please remember that the school computer lab is open both before, after, and during school. The public library also has computers available for public use. Students will be using computers on a regular basis for online assignments and assessments.
Silver Hills Policies Silver Hills Elementary policies are documented on the blue and white “Silver Hills Elementary” folder. This folder is given to each student at the beginning of the school year or when they register, if the school year has already begun. By signing this paper you are committing to read the Silver Hills Elementary school policies. Policies that may be of particular interest to you and your 5 th or 6 th grade student include, dress code, cell phones, and gum.