Fundamentals of Population Change Processes of Pop. Change JEOPARDY! Why People Move Fundamentals of Population Change POT LUCK Processes of Pop. Change TERMS 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
100 This term is the study of Population. What is DEMOGRAPHICS?
200 DAILY DOUBLE!!! Term for individuals following a migration path of preceding friends / family to an existing new community. What is CHAIN MIGRATION?
300 The work of those who are able to work which supports those who cannot work is describing what? What is the DEPENDENCY RATIO? (n :100)
400 The number of people per unit of arable land is called this. What is PHYSIOLOGICAL POPULATION DENSITY?* Bonus $100 Q: Accept or Decline? Define “Arable Land.” What is Land which is agriculturally reproductive?
500 Name the top 3 (largest) population concentrations of the world. (regions / areas – not countries!) What are E. Asia, S. Asia, W. Europe?
What is the INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION? 100 This event signaled the start of the explosive human population growth rate in the early 1800s. What is the INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION?
200 According to Malthus, this is A. How population grows, & B. How food Production grows. What are Exponential (Geometric) & Linear (Arithmetic)
300 Most of the world’s population lives where? (general term, not a country) What is the PERIPHERY (poorest countries, undeveloped, developing)
400 This is a graphic representation for showing the population structure of a country. What is an AGE – SEX (POPULATION) PYRAMID?
500 Gov’t Population policies usually involve restrictions on these 2 factors. What are FERTILITY LEVELS and IMMIGRATION LEVELS?
100 This says that the further away from something, the less you know about it / interact with it. What is DISTANCE DECAY?
200 DAILY DOUBLE!!! The decision to cut short your move, & deciding to stay in a place along the way, because something (a job) caused you to do so, represents what? What is an INTERVENING OPPORTUNITY?
300 The type of Migration where pull factors would be relevant. What is VOLUNTARY MIGRATION?
400 Term for the area concerning one’s daily routine through a sequence of regular movements. What is ACTION / ACTIVITY SPACE?
500 This type of refugee has left his/her home village, but remains in the home country. What is an INTRA-NATIONAL REFUGEE?
100 Term for those born in the post WWII era (1946-1965). What is the BABY BOOM?* Bonus $100 Q: Accept or Decline? What term refers to the era which ended the Baby Boom in the USA? What is the BABY BUST (1965-1980)?
An outbreak of disease that spreads world wide is called this. 200 An outbreak of disease that spreads world wide is called this. What is a PANDEMIC?
300 DAILY DOUBLE!!! Term for a distinct group that lives/operates together within a larger, different community. What is an ENCLAVE?
400 This type of Periodic Movement, which involves nomadic herds rotating grazing fields with the seasons, is called what? What is TRANSHUMANCE?
500 A Population Policy which favors one racial / ethnic sector of a population over another, is called this. What is EUGENIC?
100 The number of deaths per thousand per year is the… What is the CRUDE DEATH RATE (Mortality Rate)?
200 DAILY DOUBLE!!!! Term for a type of slow, cyclical movement among a definite set of places, over long time periods. What is NOMADISM?
300 Term for a person’s visible (physical) characteristics (EX: eye color, height). What is PHENOTYPE?
400 Name the 5 states of the USA which border Illinois.* BLANK MAP LIFELINE Option for -200 pts. (Q = 400 for Steal) What are: WI, IA, MO, KY, IN
500 Name 2 specific places in the world (discussed in class) which have produced refugees. What are: Darfur (Sudan), Rwanda, (the former) Yugoslavia, Israel/Lebanon, New Orleans, Haiti, Cuba, Zimbabwe, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan