Modernization and GPS III Southern California Section ION Meeting 11 March 2009 Lt Col David Goldstein, US Air Force Chief Engineer GPS Wing This briefing is for information only.
2 Overview GPS SS Current Status –Overview of Current Space Segment Status Modernization Improvements –IIR-M, IIF, IIIA GPS III –Discussion will focus on GPS III Summary
3 GPS – Serving the World Constellation– the largest ever - 31 Healthy Satellites –13 Block IIA –12 Block IIR –6 Block IIR-M –31 st satellite, SVN 23, set healthy, achieved 31 healthy satellite constellation for first time ever Most Recent Launch –IIR-19(M) – 6 th modernized SV Launched Wednesday, 15 Mar 08 SVN 48, PRN 7 Set healthy on 24 Mar 08 Next Launches –IIR-20(M) – Mar 09 – L5 demo payload –IIR-21(M) – Aug 09 –IIF-1 – Oct 09
4 SPS Signal in Space Performance System accuracy exceeds published standard
5 Block IIA/IIRBlock IIIBlock IIR-M, IIF Backward compatibility 4th civil signal (L1C) Increased accuracy Increased anti-jam power Increased availability Increased integrity IIR-M: IIA/IIR capabilities plus 2nd civil signal (L2C) M-Code (L1M & L2M) IIF: IIR-M capability plus 3rd civil signal (L5) 2 Rb + 1 Cs clocks 12 year design life Basic GPS Standard Service Single frequency (L1) Coarse acquisition (C/A) code navigation Precise Service Y-Code (L1Y & L2Y) Y-Code navigation Increasing System Capabilities Increasing Defense / Civil Benefit GPS Modernization Program
6 Second Civil Signal (L2C) Designed to meet commercial needs –Higher accuracy via ionospheric correction –Expected to generate over $5 billion in user productivity benefits Available since 2005 On 24 satellites by 2016 Increases accuracy for consumers Supports miniaturization, possible indoor use Benefits existing professional receivers
7 Third Civil Signal (L5) Designed to meet demanding requirements for transport safety –Uses highly protected Aeronautical Radionavigation Service (ARNS) band May also enable global, decimeter- level accuracy using new techniques Opportunity for international interoperability Demonstration signal to be launched in satellites by 2018
8 Fourth Civil Signal (L1C) Designed with international partners for interoperability Modernized civil signal at L1 frequency –More robust navigation across a broad range of user applications –Improved performance in challenged tracking environments –Original L1 C/A signal retained for backward compatibility Launches with GPS III A in 2014 On 24 satellites by ~2021 Under trees Inside cities
9 New Civil Signals Summary Second civil signal “L2C” –Designed to meet commercial needs –Higher accuracy through ionospheric correction –1 st launch: Sep 2005 (GPS IIR-M); 24 satellites: ~2016 Third civil signal “L5” –Designed to meet demanding requirements for transportation safety- of-life –1 st launch: ~ 2009 (GPS IIF); 24 satellites: ~2018 Fourth civil signal “L1C” –Designed with international partners for GNSS interoperability –Begins with GPS Block III –1 st launch: ~2014; 24 satellites: ~2021
10 GPS – Spectrum RNSS Band RNSS Band RNSS Band P(Y) C/A L5 M L2C L1C L1 L2 L5 Block IIA 1990 Block III, 2014 Block IIR-M, 2005 Block IIF, 2009 Since Dec 2005 (6 SVs) (artist’s concept) Planned Previous L1C Block IIR 1997
11 GPS III Update Contract for GPS III-A satellites awarded, May 2008 –Lockheed making excellent progress toward PDR, 19/71 milestones –Selective Availability feature to be eliminated Next-Generation Operational Control Segment (OCX) –Needed for Block III satellites & full functionality of modernized signals –Will implement full functionality of L2C and L5 –Awarded Phase A contracts to Northrop Grumman and Raytheon, Nov 2007 Future increments of GPS III will incorporate additional capabilities –As technology matures and new requirements are validated
12 GPS III- Spiral Development GPS III developed as a low risk capability insertion program GPS III A –Provides initial capability for GPS III, new signals, added power GPS III B –Directional crosslinks demonstration Enhanced ranging Enhanced integrity GPS III C –Spot Beam demonstration Enhanced anti-jam capability
13 Summary Largest constellation in history with best accuracy ever GPS III A design phase successfully moving forward GPS III will provide modernized design and technology insertion –New signal design –Increased availability –Increased integrity –Increased accuracy GPS – Serving the World