1 Schools in Hong Kong Statistics Section of Education Department April 2001 In 2000/01 school year Primary Schools: 816 Secondary Schools: 486 Special Schools: 74
2 Government Schools 2001/02 school year 22 Bi-sessional Govt Pri Schools 19 Whole day Govt Pri Schools Policy Address: By Sept 2007, 100% Whole day Primary Schooling 36 Govt Sec Schools 1 Practical Education Centre
3 Reasons for existence of Government Schools As a Government commitment on educational services To provide with the Gov’t first hand information in operating schools To meet the educational needs of over-aged children, new immigrants and children with special educational needs Special services: visual impaired, hearing impaired and minority races
4 Reasons for existence of Government Schools Meet demand in emergency situation Facilitate the introduction and evaluation of teaching methods and new initiatives Opening up the school premises to the public and as adult education centres Provide a choice for parents
5 Teaching Staff Establishment Government Primary Schools Basic Ranks: CM/APSM Promotion Ranks: AM/PSM, SAM/HMII, PAM/HMI Government Secondary Schools Basic Ranks: CM, AEO(Teaching) Promotion Ranks: AM, SAM, PAM, EO, SEO, PrII, PrI Special Class teachers in GPS and GSS Others: Contract staff by other funds-QEF, CEG etc
6 Non-teaching Staff Establishment Clerk Workman Artisan Workshop Attendant Laboratory Technician in GSS
7 Type of Classes in Government Schools Normal Classes in GPS & GSS Special Classes in some GPS & GSS: visual impaired, hearing impaired Intensive Remedial Support Programme in most GPS Integrated Education in 19 GPS
8 School Management in Government Schools School Based Management Advisory role to Management role School Advisory Council replaced by School Management Committee in 1999 Goal setting, school planning, development, allocation of resources etc Communication is vital
9 School Management in Government Schools Composition of SMC Chairpersons (Chaired by Directorate grade staff of ED) Members: Principal, Representatives- 2 Teachers, 2 Parents, 1-2 Alumni, 1-3 members from the community Terms: 2 years, maximum 3 offices
10 Support to Government Schools Administration Division Appointment Appraisal Promotion Personnel matters Repair works etc
11 Support to Government Schools Finance Division Accounting matter Stores and Supply matter etc Information Systems Division
12 Support to Government Schools Advisory Inspectorate Division Quality Assurance Inspection etc Curriculum Development Institute Curriculum Development and Reform Seed Projects ETV etc
13 Support to Government Schools School-Based Management Division Adult Education Teacher and Principal Development etc Special Duties Division School Improvement Programme Whole day primary schooling etc
14 Support to Government Schools Education Services Divisions 1 & 2 4 Regional Education Offices: Hong Kong, Kowloon, New Territories East and New Territories West Schools Daily operation: Management and Organization, Teaching and Learning, Pastoral Care, Assessment and Evaluation etc
15 Government Schools Section Collate policies related to government schools Promotion of new initiatives Annual Estimates Class Structure and Staff Entitlement Temporary Teachers Funding Flexibilities Schemes etc
16 Government Schools Section Posting Exercise - Factors to be considered: Staff Establishment of schools Promotion, regrading Subject requirements Cross grade posting Secondment to other divisions
17 Government Schools Section Transfer from primary to secondary or vice versa Transfer between different duties e.g. normal classes to special classes, teacher librarian etc Recommendations from boards for career posting Transfer requests from teachers etc
18 Role of Government Schools Role Model In the Education Reform