Why Landscape Products? Large prospect pool Demonstrated LAX success $ Repeatable Sole source for RHS
fhdhshs Register Or Log In Go to & choose member log inwww.myteamworks.org Click on “send invitations to friends & family” Want to see who ordered from you last Spring? Click on Spring then choose Your Orders Enter and password Send 10 s through system
fhdhshs Go to your neighbors Our Fall site is Download the flyer from the dashboard Download the receipt from Contact 10 people/houses Give flyer, take donations, get Donation check made out to RHS Lacrosse All donors get a receipt Bring cash & checks to Coach Gordon
What do I say? 1.Introduce RHS lax 2.Selling to maintain field & buildings 3.Orders are placed online or donation now 4.Can I get your ? 5.Thank You!!!
fhdhshs CUSTOMERS ORDER ONLINE Use Credit Cards / Debit Cards Minimum order straw 20 bales or 65 bags or 15 cubic yards Customer choices are “Delivered Only” or “Delivered with Installation” Customers provide detailed instructions for installation Option for Make A Donation $18.00 flat delivery fee straw, $0.65 bag mulch, $10 cubic yard mulch
fhdhshs Deliveries and Installation Info 50% of all orders are delivered only Install customers notified of specific day Minimum order 20 bales or bags Materials are stacked or installed precisely where requested by homeowner $18.00 flat delivery fee straw, $0.65 bag mulch, $10 cubic yard mulch
fhdhshs How Much Do I Need to Sell? Bag = 450 points Every cubic yard of mulch is 10 points Every donation dollar is 1 point Every bale of straw or bag of mulch is 1 point Bags are mandatory equipment
fhdhshs Dates First delivery week of October 8 th Last delivery week of December 10 th Send out invites now “This is the easiest fundraiser yet. Who doesn’t need pine straw or mulch?” Begin neighborhood canvas All sales finalized by November 16 th
Next Steps friends & neighbors Set up selling teams, divide up neighborhood Look for with links Go Sell!