Cute-1.7 Date: Author: Masafumi Iai Cute-1.7 Project Manager Laboratory for Space Systems Tokyo Institute of Technology
2 Cute-1.7 Project Overview (Page 3-5) Cute-1.7 Project Schedule (Page 6) CUTE-I in News-Presentations (Page 7) Issue 1: Availability of Rockets (Page 8) Issue 2: Frequency Allocation (Page 9) Closing Remarks (Page 10) Table of Contents
3 Cute-1.7 Project Overview Facilitate future microsatellite developments –Radiation protection for commercial devices as black box. Share experiment opportunities in real satellite –Advanced magnetic-torquer control algorithm Transceiver PDA Digital Camera Magnetic Torquer Radiation Shield
4 Radiation Protection Typical Method –Verification of each electronic part, e.g. IC. –Use of parts qualified to space application. Method in Cute-1.7 –Covering normal parts with radiation shield. –Redundancy Radiation protection is the essential issue in space applications To design and demonstrate a radiation shield box in which you can be sure ordinary devices works. It will facilitate satellite design process, then enable easy access to space.
5 Magnetic Torquers A type of attitude control devices -Interacts with Earth’s magnetic field Simple, reliable mechanism -Best suits microsatellites Advanced control algorithms are proposed expecting more microsatellites with MTQ >> Cute-1.7 gives opportunities
6 Project Schedule Jan-Apr-Jul-Oct-Jan- Conceptual Study Preliminary Design BBM Fabrication PFM Design Environment al Tests PFM Fabrication FM Fabrication Qualification tests Calibration Preliminary DRCritical DR FabricationDesign Prep. For Launch
7 CUTE-I in News/Presentations Interviewed by Altium Japan Presentation at 9th Japan Microwave Amateur’s Meeting ,24Presentation at HAM Fair Presentation at Space Development Forum at MeSci Banner near the main gate of Tokyo Tech celebrating CUTE-I launch Celebration message form Japan Amateur Radio League Celebration message from AMSAT-France Presentation at Space Activity Commission (L-0)CUTE-I LAUNCHED! (L-3)Interview by Kyodo News (L-10)Article on Yomiuri Shimbn (L-16)Article on Asahi Shimbun Interview by Kyodo News Interview by ‘Tech Tech,’ Tokyo Tech’s public relations magazine Interview by Asahi Shimbun Interview by ‘Montyly Playboy’ First International CubeSat Symposium in IHJ CUTE-I in NHK TV News Article on Mainichi Newspapers Interviewed by JAMSAT Most of interviews after decided launch date. Newspapers, magazines BEFORE launch. Presentations for specific communities AFTER launch. (Satellite developpers want a wide variety of people to know mission’s outcome, though.) (Part of the entire list)
8 Availability of Rockets 15 CubeSat will be launched in Fall Mr Freddy, Toronto U. is contacting providers. Launch of piggy-bag satellites depends on main payload. More satellites ready, more launch opportunities. Cute-1.7 is based on CubeSat specifications so as to find launch opportunities more easily.
9 Frequency Allocation Use of Amateur Radio Band –Based on CUTE-I’s success. Service for Radio Amateurs –Functionality like a repeater will be implemented. FM repeater is interesting for radio amateurs to use. Since there are not many FM satellites, a satellite would have frequent access. Some radio amateurs have exchanged packets with others in the opposite side of Earth using FO-29. I myself haven’t tried it, though. That should be interesting. Comments by radio amateur
10 Closing Remarks Cute-1.7 is not trying to be prominently technological. But it will benefit various people: –Researchers and students interested in attitude control algorithms –Developers and users in subsequent nanosatellite projects –Radio Amateurs – _____