Blessed is the one who does not go where the wicked gather, or stand in the way of sinners, or sit where the scoffers sit! Instead, he finds delight.


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Presentation transcript:

Blessed is the one who does not go where the wicked gather, or stand in the way of sinners, or sit where the scoffers sit! Instead, he finds delight in the law of the Lord and meditates day and night on his commandments. (Ps. 1,1-2)

I saw some majestic trees, some trees in the springtime of life, some trees in their youth, some trees fully mature and some trees in the evening of their life.

some trees in the springtime of life,

some trees in their youth,

some trees fully mature

and some trees in the evening of their life.

I saw some trees splendidly clothe in flamboyant colours…

I saw some trees that have endured all the seasons, inclement weather, the winds, the heat and the snow.

I saw some trees with their leaves green, symbol of hope. Lord, thank you for colouring my life with this little sister who always remains young and who helps me to hope against all hope.

I saw some trees with their leaves turned golden by the sun as our life is made golden by the divine sun. Lord, thank you for enriching my life with your colour.

I saw some trees, very tall, reaching toward heaven with elegance. Lord grant me to hold myself straight like Mary at the foot of the cross, with dignity, even while suffering.

I saw some trees with their branches twisted who showed me their weakness. Lord, grant me to look at others with sensitivity.

I saw some trees, dark red in colour that remind me that “wine delights the heart of man” as at the Wedding in Cana, and Mary who says to me “Do all that he tells you”.

I saw some trees harmoniously dressed, having a splendid appearance. Lord, grant me to clothe the appearance of charity, and that it covers me still in my old age.

I saw some trees that invited me to take refuge under their multi-coloured tent. Lord, grant me to comfortably welcome those people who fear to trust.

I saw some trees shining with joy for the creator that invite me to breathe their happiness. Lord, grant me to invite my sisters and brothers to cultivate love.

I saw some trees that lived close to one another with assurance. Lord, grant me to not deceive you by my arrogance.

I saw some trees proud to display their beauty and embellish the places where they are planted. Lord, grant me to demonstrate my beauty by acts of kindness and to blossom where you have planted me.

I saw some trees bent by the weight of the years. Lord, grant me to respect the elders, to welcome and to live serenely in all liberty the years that you give me.

I saw some trees wearing a deep wound, a scar left by a suffering that mystifies. Lord, grant me to never wound anyone; on the contrary, that I be a balm that comforts.

I saw some trees that grew closer together and welcomed each other without much worry. Lord, grant me to live communion in the service and the foresight to respect differences.

I saw some trees that appeared sad. Lord, grant me never to judge by appearances.

I saw some trees linked by friendship. Lord, grant me to know how to offer the bread of friendship.

I saw some trees protecting themselves by leaning their branches on others. Lord, grant me to feel solidarity with others.

I saw some trees turned toward Heaven. Lord, remind me that your desire consists in giving me your Heaven.

I saw some trees stripped of their leaves. Lord, remind me that life is a passage.

I saw, Lord, an Inukshuk, symbol of mutual help and friendship. Grant me to be a sign of love and friendship that communicates joy and fraternity.

I saw some squirrels frolicking and rejoicing in life. Lord, grant me to follow you the true Life.

I saw Ignacius who made a gesture with his hand toward heaven. He was saying to me, ask “Lord, what to you want me to do?”

I saw Mary with a look of tenderness. She was saying to me: in heaven, you will come and see me one day.

I saw Joseph with the Child, in humility and self-effacement. Joseph, I want to be a child of yours, so that you can teach me reverence.

I saw a little waterfall, and I believe to hear saint Ignacius d’Antioche and he says : A live water murrmuring in my heart : « Come before the Father »

Lord thank you for the symphony of these colours, for my sister and my mother nature! And blessed are you for everything that lives and breathes!

Text and pictures : Carla ddm Music : Mission Montréal-Canada, October