1 CAPANINA MEETING at York, March 2004 Possible CRL (NiCT) Contributions to CAPANINA
2 New Organization Starts on April 1, 2004 Communications Research Laboratory Telecommunications Advancement Organization
3 1. Next 3-year Plans of CRL (NiCT) 2. How can CRL (NiCT) contribute to the CAPANINA experiments? 3. Spectrum sharing study 4. Sharing of experimental data already obtained OUTLINE
4 Budget for FY FY2006 We succeeded in obtaining the next 3-year budget. However… this budget is for “Technology of efficient frequency use in wireless systems by array antennas with many elements ” array antenna with many elements
5 FY 2004 FY 2005 FY Spatial optical link test 2. Digital broadcasting in UHF band 3. Direction-of-Arrival (DoA) Estimation in 1.7 GHz band experiments using low-altitude (4km) station-keeping airship design / fabrication of new array antennas 1. Multi-beam horn (MBH) antenna with reduced volume & weight 2. Digital beamforming (DBF) antenna capable of larger number of beams Assumed Plans for the Next 3 years (FY2004-FY2006) 1.Broadband telecom test 2.Beamforming test of onboard MBH/DBF antennas 3. etc…. tests of the developed antennas / modification of the antennas experiments using refurbished Pathfinder-Plus in Hawaii, Japan or elsewhere Length: 65 m, Alt.: 4 km Has propulsion motors Airship
6 Wing span 36.3m Speed to the ground of 18km Payload 50kg ( distributed mounting ) Power available for mission 600W Assumed Specification of Refurbished Pathfinder-Plus
7 CRL’s equipment may be used in the broad band telecom experiments in the CAPANINA project u Existing multi-beam horn (MBH) antenna (or one element) developed for the experiment by using Helios Prototype u New MBH antenna (or one element) to be developed for the experiment using refurbished Pathfinder-Plus How can CRL (NiCT) contribute to CAPANINA on the experiments? CAPANINA may join the experiments by using refurbished UAV u Onboard equipment developed by CAPANINA or onboard equipment jointly developed by CRL/CAPANINA may be installed on the UAV u Experiments may be shared. (e.g. CRL measures the antenna beam pattern and CAPANINA measures propagation data).
8 CRL is hoping that … u HAPS systems in the 28/31GHz band for spectrum sharing study could be proposed by the CAPANINA project, u Spectrum sharing study between the HAPS systems above and other systems (FWA, Satellite systems etc.) could be conducted, u The results could be reflected to the ITU-R Recommendations. Spectrum Sharing Study
9 Experimental Data Sharing Conducted So Far Experimental results will be available in the papers to be published. Followings are being prepared for publication. u Experiments by using Pathfinder-Plus (altitude : 20 km) (Digital TV broadcasting in UHF band and IMT-2000 in 2 GHz band) - Variation in temperature of the onboard equipment - Stability of signal power via onboard equipment u Experiments by using helicopter (altitude : 3 km) (31/28 GHz: IP-based communications up to 3.75 Mbps by using onboard DBF antenna, 47/48 GHz: Data transmission with 56 Mbps by using onboard MBH antennas) - Experimental system - Antenna beam patterns - Results of communication trials
10 Time: Sep-Nov, 2004 (tentative) Place: Taiki Multi-Purpose Aerospace Park in Hokkaido Test Items: 1.Spatial optical link test -for broadband inter-platform link 2. Digital broadcasting in UHF -Evaluation of UHF service coverage and quality in mobile and fixed environment Optical transmitting station Mobile station Backup station TTC station Receive station Optical uplink 2 GH z TTC Broadcastin g in UHF Uplink backup in 2 GHz Length: 65 m, Alt.: 4 km Has propulsion motors Test Plan in This Year Using the Low-Altitude Station-Keeping Airship Laser tracking Wide- coverage antenna Evaluatio n of mobile reception Evaluation of service coverage Optical transmission of RF signals Airship Off-the-shelf receiver
11 Test Plan in This Year Using the Low-Altitude Station-Keeping Airship Hokkaido Multi-purpose Park Runway Operation Tower Taiki-cho Fall 2004 by JAXA ・ NICT Airship Shed Operation Building
12 Airship Shed in Hokkaido
13 Developing Airship in the Shed