Humanitarian Reform Project in Pakistan
Introduction to NHRP Globally The NGOs and Humanitarian Reform Project is a Geneva-based initiative, convened by the International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA). The project began in 2008, when DFID funded a two-year NHRP programme in four countries, covering a variety of humanitarian environments (Afghanistan, DRC, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe).
Introduction to NHRP Globally Humanitarian Reform refers to the cluster approach introduced globally between Tested in Pakistan in Scale-up in Pakistan in HRP focuses on NGO/donor/Gov’t involvement in humanitarian coordination structures, rather than on humanitarian reform from a purely UN/OCHA perspective.
NHRP in Pakistan Overall objective: To improve participation, representation and leadership within humanitarian coordination structures, for improved humanitarian performance Strengthening structures, capacity and skills for NGOs to assume active membership in humanitarian reform.
NHRP in Pakistan ( ) The second phase of the project, funded by ECHO, is being implemented in 5 countries: Cote d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Somalia, Zimbabwe. The aim is to bring the benefits of a full-time humanitarian reform focal person to Pakistan, to work directly on humanitarian coordination issues (inc Transformative Agenda), as well as contributing to advocacy and research at the global level.
NHRP in Pakistan cont. The Humanitarian Reform agenda aims to improve leadership, coordination, accountability and partnership in the humanitarian sector, and to improve financing opportunities for humanitarian partners through pooled funding mechanisms. The Reform agenda has been behind the roll-out of the cluster system from 2007 onwards, and the 2012 Transformative Agenda. Humanitarian Reform is led by Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) policy bodies in Geneva and NY.
NHRP in Pakistan cont. NHRP will be supporting PHF, OCHA, and other humanitarian stakeholders, with a review of the current functioning of the cluster system and other humanitarian coordination bodies in Pakistan. To identify solutions to problems experienced in coordination systems during recent Flood, Refugee and IDP emergency responses, and to promote the global adoption of good practices identified and developed in Pakistan.
NHRP in Pakistan cont. The project will focus on increasing the capacity of humanitarian partners to participate in Humanitarian Reform/coordination structures, by providing training on humanitarian principles, reform, leadership/coordination, and accountability at the province level, and in Islamabad. These trainings will be provided in concert with existing training programmes (e.g. SPHERE, HAP, DRR), and will be largely aimed at increasing national capacity.
National NGOs NHRP will advocate for, and support the involvement of, national NGOs in decision-making and coordination fora. NHRP will further be working with national NGOs to support the strengthening of N-NGO coalitions that play a representational role for N-NGOs in Islamabad and at the Province level.