North America; Canada BY: KHALID
Canada’s Flag
The weather in Canada The Average temperature in Ottawa is 5.7 ºC. The highest monthly average high temperature is 27 ºC which is in July. The lowest monthly average low temperature is -16 ºC which is in January. The average of rainfall in a year is 865mm which is 72mm in a month. Averagely there is 141 days in a year with more than 0.1mm of rain. February has the driest weather with an average of 58mm of rain throughout 13 days. The wettest weather is in August with an average of 83mm of rain throughout 10 days. The average sunlight hours in Canada range between 2.5 hours in a day during December and 9.1 hours in a day during July. There is an average of 1989 hours of sunlight in a year with and average of 5.4 hours of sunlight in a day.
Population in Canada It is estimated that the population in Canada is 34,397,000. This was estimated on March This is the 3 largest cities in Canada by population in 2006: 1. Toronto, Ontario ::: 4,753, Montreal, Quebec ::: 3,316, Vancouver, British Columbia ::: 1,953,252 The 2006 population of Ottawa, Canada’s capital city, is 812,129 making it the fourth-largest municipality in the country and second-largest in Ontario.
Live and transportation in Canada People used to be able to live in big houses with big backyards. Now that the prices are higher, most people live in apartments. The houses in the northern area don’t have basements and their first floor has to be few feet up from the ground because the heat in the house would cause some problem to the apartment and ruin it. Most of the population in Canada use cars or trucks. 20,706,616 road vehicles were registered in Canada during 2009.
Jobs in Canada Canada has many jobs. Some of the jobs that need certain education include engineers, lawyers, doctors, dentists, businessmen/woman and teachers. Other jobs include cleaning people, people who wok in stores, garbage men, extra curricular activity coaches, taxi and bus drivers.
The land in Canada Canada is the second largest country in the world with an area of 9,093,507km 2 of land. That number would be bigger if water was included. Canada takes up more than 6% of the Earth’s surface. Land tenure is held by governments, native groups, businesses or corporations and people.
Languages The official languages in Canada are English and French. Around 59.7% of the total population speak English and 23.2% speak French. Less than one percent of the population speak native languages. These are the percentages of people that speak other languages: Chinese 2.6% ::: Portuguese 2% :::Punjabi 0.8% :::Spanish 0.7% ::: Italian 0.6% ::: Arabic 0.5% German 0.4% ::: Tagalog 0.4% ::: Vietnamese 0.4% ::: Urdu 0.3% ::: Polish 0.3% ::: Korean 0.3% ::: Persian 0.3% ::: Russian 0.3% ::: Tamil 0.3% ::: Greek 0.3% ::: Gujarati 0.2% and Romanian 0.2%Tagalog
The Religion
Food in Canada The food people favor in Canada is strongly influenced by their family tradition. Seafood and dished obtained from English traditions are common along the Atlantic coast but not in Quebec. In Quebec, people favor food that come from French traditions. Generally in Canada, maple syrup and other maple products are very popular.
Bibliography ( slide 4, point 1) (slide 4, points 3+4+5) (slide 4, point 6) (slide 3) (slide 7) (slide 8) (slide 6) (slide 9) (slide 10) (slide 5 point 1) (slide 5 point 2)