ESL Unit Refugee Young People: Education and Employment Presented by Anita Calore DEECD, ESL Unit Friday 2 July 2010
ESL Support in Victoria Phase One Intensive English Language tuition at English Language School/Centre/Program Phase Two Transition Program in a mainstream school Phase Three ESL support on regular basis ESL support as necessary
Phase One – The new arrivals program Intensive English language programs for primary and secondary aged students Numeracy and literacy across the curriculum Careers and transitions information/pathways development for secondary aged students Health and wellbeing focussed Family/parent/carer engagement Extra curricular activities eg sport and recreation Homework support
New Arrivals in Victorian Government Schools
Main countries of origin and student numbers Sudan Afghanistan Iraq Kenya Ethiopia Cambodia Liberia Iran Somalia Burma Afghanistan Burma Iraq Thailand Sudan Ethiopia Iran Somalia Cambodia Kenya
Refugee “likely” Students in government schools PrepYear 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Year Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year Based on Aug 09 census data
ESL Index funded students - statewide RegionTotal Students PrimarySecondaryPri/Sec BSW EMR Gippsland Grampians Hume LMR NMR SMR WMR Source: August Census, 2009 DEECD ESL Unit
Phase two – ESL transition programs for high needs refugee likely and at risk students Targeted intervention in networks/schools English Language school/centres Transition Officers Transition initiatives programs 87 primary and secondary programs received additional support in 2010 Up to 3,500 students (in an Aust school 3 years or less) given additional support Needs vary according to Age, previous educational and life experiences, literacy in first/other languages
Phase three- ESL Index funded schools Total ESL Index funding approximately $60 million Total number ESL Index funded students Total number of ESL Index funded schools 503 schools Total number of ESL Index funded primary schools 366 Total number of ESL Index funded secondary schools 119 Total number of ESL Index funded pri/sec schools 18 schools Source: August Census, 2009 DEECD ESL Unit
Pathways VCAL- foundation level, pre-VCAL, three year VCE, VET TAFE ACE programs Features of the programs Flexible learning programs Learner centred programs Authentic learning experiences Supportive learning environments Bilingual support Pathway connections back to school or on to further education and training Skill and knowledge development in preparation for work environment
Challenges for ESL students in secondary school Level of English when entering secondary school Previous education experience Age at entry to secondary school Parent aspirations Personal goals Understanding a new education system
Challenges continued….. Understanding the pathways to further study Seeking employment Work readiness Work experience Networking and contacts Learning to learn skills Homework and study Access to resources and computers Being an adolescent Settling into a new country
Implications for schools An increasing number of ESL learners require literacy, numeracy and content knowledge & skills as well as ESL support Settlement and well-being needs increase Schools need to link to a range of support services outside the school Older ESL learners with disrupted schooling entering the school system will need additional support and pathways advice Parents of ESL students require support to understand our education system and school expectations of them
How can schools support ESL students? Provision of appropriate ESL support including homework support Pathway planning Industry tasters Work placements Information nights for parents and students with interpreters and Multicultural Education Aides Families as partners in learning – New!!!
Connecting with local agencies Local Learning and Employment Networks University and TAFE providers AMES and ACE providers Local Industry Local Government
Local resources New arrivals programs (schools, centres, programs) Transition officers ESL Regional Program Officers (RPOs) Network provision of transition programs Secondary schools (facilities, coordinators, programs) Universities, TAFEs, AMES, ACE providers Local Learning and Employment Networks (LLENs) Other community based organisations: Migrant Resource Centres Community groups Settlement services providers
Resources LMERC – Statewide Resource Centre Palmerston Street Carlton (Carlton PS- lower level) ESL Website Local Learning and Employment Networks Families as Partners in Learning
Anita Calore Senior Project Officer ESL Unit - DEECD