Authorization and Inspection of Cyclotron Facilities Staff Requirements
Authorization and Inspection of Cyclotron Facilities 1) Objectives; 2) Institutional responsibilities; 3) Minimum staff required; 4) Education and Training.
Authorization and Inspection of Cyclotron Facilities To achieve an understanding of the requirements for appropriate staffing of cyclotron facilities and for training of staff in radiation protection.
Authorization and Inspection of Cyclotron Facilities Licensee must provide physical and financial resources required to do the job. P rovide tools, training, equipment, qualifications, etc. T he scope and depth of radiation safety training will vary significantly with the job requirements and the responsibilities of the individual. These requirements and responsibilities are determined by the licensee and assessed by Regulatory Body. Role and responsibility of the licensee for training of staff
Authorization and Inspection of Cyclotron Facilities Organizational Structure Of Radiation Protection In A Typical Cyclotron Facility Manager Service Maintenance Radiation Protection Committee Radiation Protection Officer
Authorization and Inspection of Cyclotron Facilities Radiation Protection Service Head of Cyclotron Operation and Maintenance Head of Radiopharmacy Operation and Maintenance Head of Facility Cell OperatorCyclotron Operator Auxiliary Staff Head of Radiation Protection Radiation Protection Officer
Authorization and Inspection of Cyclotron Facilities The licensee Designate Radiation Protection Officer, Committees Ensure that persons who are required to use or handle radioactive materials or who may be exposed to radiation in the course of their duties are adequately trained
Authorization and Inspection of Cyclotron Facilities
T he topics to be covered in radiation safety training can be grouped under three broad headings: D efinitions and terms, including essential terminology, radiation protection and the effects of radiation. C oncepts, ranging from good work practices to the worker’s responsibility for radiation protection. R egulations and licensing, including current and proposed regulations governing training requirements, and the license issued for that particular facility.
Authorization and Inspection of Cyclotron Facilities U sually provided by the manufacturer or by a senior operator or service technician, (initially trained by the manufacturer).
Authorization and Inspection of Cyclotron Facilities T he Radiation Protection Officer is responsible to implement and apply the training of operators, nurses, cleaning staff, interim personnel, packaging personnel, security personnel, Third Party service providers (mechanical, electrical, etc).
Authorization and Inspection of Cyclotron Facilities A procedure shall be in place to identify the extent, duration and frequency of training as well as of refresher training. The procedure shall contain day to day operation, unusual occurrences, and emergency occurrences. C ourses, refreshers, drills and rehearsals must be approved by the Radiation Protection Committee. R ecords must be kept and internal certificates must be issued to the attendants.