NASA HQ Update Ken Jucks, Aura Program Scientist Earth Science Division, Science Mission Directorate 11 March 2014
2 NASA Operating Missions On-Orbit Flight Missions – Partnerships Bi-annual Senior Review Completed Summer 2013
3 Operating Satellite Status MissionLaunchPhaseDesign Life (yr) Current Life (yr)Expected End Terra18-Dec-99Extended ACRIMSat20-Dec-99Extended Aqua03-May-02Extended SORCE25-Jan-03Extended Aura15-Jul-04Extended CloudSat28-Apr-06Extended CALIPSO28-Apr-06Extended OCO Feb-09Launch Failure2N/A Glory04-Mar-11Launch Failure3N/A Suomi-NPP25-Oct-11Prime till Oct not enough data
4 Operating Instrument Status INSTRUMENT MISSIONSTATUS Spectral Irradiance MonitorSIMSORCEOperating in daylight only Solar-Stellar Irradiance Comparison ExperimentSOLSTICESORCEOperating in daylight only Total Irradiance MonitorTIMSORCEOperating in daylight only XUV Photometer SystemXPSSORCEOperating in daylight only Clouds and the Earth's Radiation Energy SystemCERESTerraOperating nominally Moderate Resolution Imaging SpectroradiometerMODISTerraOperating nominally Multi-Angle Imaging SpectrometerMISRTerraOperating nominally Measuerment of Pollution in the TroposphereMOPITTTerraOperating nominally Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission & Reflection RadiometerASTERTerraSWIR failed (VNIR & TIR operational) High Resolution Dynamics Limb SounderHIRDLSAuraFailed Ozone Monitoring InstrumentOMIAuraRow anomaly Microwave Limb SounderMLSAuraOperating nominally with Band 13 powered off & THz channel in standby; on redundant mirror switching mechanism electronics Troposphere Emission SpectrometerTESAuraInterferometer Control System currently working Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with orthogonal PolarizationCALIOPCALIPSOOperating nominally second laser unit Imaging Infrared RadiometerIIRCALIPSOOperating nominally Wide Field CameraWFCCALIPSOOperating nominally Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor-IIIACRIM-IIIACRIMSATBattery problems Atmospheric Infrared SounderAIRSAquaOperating nominally Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOSAMSR-EAquaOperating at 2rpm for cross-calibration with GCOM-W1 AMSR2 Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-AAMSU-AAqua10 of 15 channels performing well Humidity Sounder-BrazilHSBAquaFailed Clouds and the Earth's Radiation Energy SystemCERESAquaOperating nominally Moderate Resolution Imaging SpectroradiometerMODISAquaOperating nominally Cloud Profiling RadarCPRCloudsatDaylight Only operations Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer SuiteVIIRSSuomi-NPPOperating nominally Cross-track Infrared SounderCrISSuomi-NPPOperating nominally Clouds and the Earth's Radiation Energy SystemCERESSuomi-NPPOperating nominally Advanced Technology Microwave SounderATMSSuomi-NPPOperating nominally Ozone Mapping and Profiler SuiteOMPSSuomi-NPPOperating nominally
5 Near-Term Formulation & Development Missions SMAP 5 Nov 2014 w/CSA Soil Moist., Frz/Thaw Delta II ICESat-2 Dec 2016 (TBR) Ice Dynamics Delta II OCO-2 1 July 2014 Global CO 2 Delta II GRACE FO Aug 2017 w/Germany; Global Mass & Water Variation German-supplied Dnepr LV GPM Early CY2014 w/ JAXA; Precip H-IIA CYGNSS Tropical Cyclone Generation, Air-sea Interaction in Extreme Conditions SAGE III NET Mar 2015 (TBR) Ozone & Trace Gases Falcon-9 CATS Aug 2014 w/ ISS Aerosol & Cloud Falcon-9
6 Venture Class Activities EVS (“EV-1” - Suborbital, Airborne; solicited every 4 years) –All 5 investigations are well into their sustained field campaigns –All EV-1 investigations flew during 2013 –Second EV-S solicitation released June 2013, proposals due 10 Jan 2014 EVM (“EV-2” - Small-sat; solicited every 4 years) –CYGNSS successful KDP-B in July 2013, planned LRD October 2016 – April 2017 –FY14 budget proposal includes EV-M/2 solicitation on-schedule in June 2015 EVI (Instrument; solicited every 18 months) –TEMPO selected for GEO hosted payload opportunity (early FY18 launch) –ESD making progress on formal host selection –Second “EV-I/2” solicitation released July 2013, proposals received 25 November 2013 –FY14 budget proposal includes EVI-3 and subsequent solicitations on- schedule
7 NASA ESD Flight Portfolio GPM (2/2014) – Global Precipitation mapping, w/JAXA OCO-2 (7/2014) – Atmospheric CO 2 monitoring, recovery mission CATS (8/2014) – Aerosol and Cloud vertical profile SMAP (10/2014) – Soil Moisture and Freeze/Thaw cycling, w/CSA (minor) SAGE-III/ISS (3/2015) – Ozone, Temp, Humidity profiles, w/HEOMD, ESA ICESat-2 (12/2016) – Precision Ice Topography, Ecosystem monitoring CYGNSS [EVM-1] (late 2016) GRACE-FO (8/2017) – Gravity/Ice Mass/Ground Water, w/GFZ & DLR OCO-3/ISS (Fall 2017) – CO 2 continuity, from ISS, OCO-2 spares TEMPO [EVI-1] (2019) – Tropospheric Emissions from geosynchronous vantage SWOT (2020) – Wide-swath ocean altimetry, land water, w/CNES EVI-2 Venture-Class (NLT 2020) PACE (2020) – Ocean Color, possibly Aerosols L-band SAR (2021?) – Solid Earth, Cryosphere, Ecosystems, w/ISRO CLARREO (2022?) – Precise global radiation balance, possibly w/UK EVM-2 (NLT 2022) EVI-3 (NLT 2022) Significant studies ongoing for all other Tier-2 Decadal Survey missions And on the horizon: Sustained Land Imaging program for the U.S. for 2018 – 2038 Solar Irradiance, Ozone profiles, and Earth Radiation Budget measurements for beyond 2020
8 Aura/OMI and Senior Review The Senior Review for all NASA missions beyond Prime Operating Mission was completed last year. Results and guidance were delivered to the projects this past November. Aura “Science Summary” score was “Excellent”. Aura “Utility” score was “High”. This was mostly due to the high resolution mapping ability of OMI for air quality. Aura “Technical Risk” was “Medium-High”. TES has some significant issues, OMI has a blockage, that while stable of late, does change. MLS has parts near end of predicted lifetime.
9 OMI and new Aura Science Team selections The competitively selected Aura Science Team is reselected every 3 years. The most recent set of proposals were due September 2013, and selections were made in December 68 proposals were received, and 27 were selected. A total of $5M/year is currently available on that budget line. 16 of the selected proposals will use OMI data. Numerous ACMAP studies also use OMI and other Aura data sets.
TEMPO EVI-1 selected Investigation Kelly Chance, Principal Investigator Other organizations include LaRC, GSFC, Ball Aerospace, and many universities TEMPO is about to have it’s KDP-B NASA’s plan is to procure space and communications on a commercial GEO satellite.
Why geostationary? High temporal and spatial resolution Hourly NO 2 surface concentration and integrated column calculated by CMAQ air quality model: Houston, TX, June 22-23, 2005 June 22 Hour of Day (UTC) June 23 LEO observations provide limited information on rapidly varying emissions, chemistry, & transport GEO will provide observations at temporal and spatial scales highly relevant to air quality processes November TEMPO SRR/MDR
12 TropOMI and OCO-2, OMI, OMPS The atmospheric science community in the US, particularly those working with NASA data, are anticipating the data from TropOMI to advance the science beyond what can be done with the NASA missions alone. The OMPS instrument on NPP will continue on the JPSS-1 satellite, that is part of NOAA’s budget, but with strong NASA contributions. OMI should continue as long as Aura remains operating in orbit (~2023??), and the combined data should produce interesting science results. OCO-2 launches in July It does NOT get CH4 and CO! TropOMI will!
13 NASA HQ Perspective Questions?