August 14, hrs
Please move conversations into ESF rooms and busy out all phones. Thanks for your cooperation.
SEOC Safety Brief Fire Medical Stress Severe Weather
EOC EVAC Routes N Up next – State Coordinating Officer
SERT CHIEF Mike DeLorenzo
Objectives –Re-establish Communication with Impacted area –Initiate Search and Rescue –Address basic human needs and life safety –Restoration of essential services –Begin Recovery operations Operational Objectives Hurricane Charley Up next – FEMA ERT-A
SPECIALIST 1 Specialist Name
Specialist Slides Possibly 5-10 slides
SPECIALIST 2 Specialist Name
Specialist Slides Possibly 5-10 slides up next - Meteorology
Escambia Santa Rosa Walton Okaloosa Washington Bay Holmes Jackson Calhoun Liberty Leon Franklin Wakulla Gadsden Gulf Jefferson Madison Taylor Suwannee Hamilton Lafayette Dixie Columbia Gilchrist Levy Nassau Duval Baker ClayUnion Bradford Alachua Marion Pasco Orange Seminole St. JohnsFlagler Putnam Volusia Brevard Lake Hernando Citrus Pinellas Hillsborough Osceola Polk Sumter Charlotte DeSoto Lee Collier Hardee Hendry Highlands Okeechobee Indian River Palm Beach Martin Broward Miani-Dade Monroe Glades Manatee Sarasota St. Lucie Partial Activation Full Activation County Emergency Operations Center Status Monitoring
Escambia Santa Rosa Walton Okaloosa Washington Bay Holmes Jackson Calhoun Liberty Leon Franklin Wakulla Gadsden Gulf Jefferson Madison Taylor Suwannee Hamilton Lafayette Dixie Columbia Gilchrist Levy Nassau Duval Baker ClayUnion Bradford Alachua Marion Pasco Orange Seminole St. JohnsFlagler Putnam Volusia Brevard Lake Hernando Citrus Pinellas Hillsborough Osceola Polk Sumter Charlotte DeSoto Lee Collier Hardee Hendry Highlands Okeechobee Indian River Palm Beach Martin Broward Miani-Dade Monroe Glades Manatee Sarasota St. Lucie Local State of Emergency
Escambia Santa Rosa Walton Okaloosa Washington Bay Holmes Jackson Calhoun Liberty Leon Franklin Wakulla Gadsden Gulf Jefferson Madison Taylor Suwannee Hamilton Lafayette Dixie Columbia Gilchrist Levy Nassau Duval Baker ClayUnion Bradford Alachua Marion Pasco Orange Seminole St. JohnsFlagler Putnam Volusia Brevard Lake Hernando Citrus Pinellas Hillsborough Osceola Polk Sumter Charlotte DeSoto Lee Collier Hardee Hendry Highlands Okeechobee Indian River Palm Beach Martin Broward Miani-Dade Monroe Glades Manatee Sarasota St. Lucie Voluntary Evacuations Mandatory Evacuations Evacuation Status
County Evacuation Type Evacuees Dixie None 5,000 Levy Mandatory 65,000 Citrus Mandatory - Hernando (com) Mandatory - Pasco (com) Mandatory 168,000 Pinellas (com) Mandatory 380,000 Hillsborough (com) Mandatory 600,000 Manatee Mandatory 96,000 Sarasota Mandatory 84,000 Charlotte Mandatory 20,000 Lee Mandatory - Collier (com) Mandatory 1,500 Monroe (com) Mandatory -
Evacuation Status County Evacuation Type Evacuees DeSotoVoluntary HardeeMandatory8,500 PolkMandatory- SumterVoluntary- SeminoleVoluntary- GladesVoluntary- DuvalVoluntary- St. JohnsVoluntary- FlaglerVoluntary- ClayVoluntary- PutnamVoluntary- BradfordVoluntary- AlachuaVoluntary-
Evacuation Status County Evacuation Type Evacuees DeSotoVoluntary MarionVoluntary- LakeVoluntary-
Damaged State Veteran's Nursing Home, wind damage and internal and external flooding, no causalities. Lost four fire stations. 3 Hospitals out of service - significant injuries. No operational EOC, 1 emergency Room need major trans. For people in damaged shelters to new location, no power, water, bad roads, 2 collapsed shelters, airport hangers and sheriff's office destroyed. CHARLOTTE COUNTY
DESOTO COUNTY Tornado strike on the Mcintyce Rd. and US 17. Tuner Center roof shelter 1200 people in the building, evacuated to the high school across the street. 12 people injured. Top floor of hospital damaged, inoperable. Nextel service is intermittent. EOC roof off, no contact with EOC in last 30 min, no cellular comm., H20, PWR, National Guard person en route. FNG building roof is off and soldier is ok.
Waterspout moved ashore and downed trees. Damage to Cape Coral hospital and city hall. Cape Coral courthouse damaged. Stranded people on barrier islands. Near mile marker 136 there is road blockage. Described winds as CAT II damage. LEE COUNTY
COLLIER COUNTY Increased beach erosion. At 1522 Generator failure at SLERS Immokalee.
INTEL PLANNING DOCUMENTATION TECH SERVICES ESF #5 - Information and Planning Up next – Operations Chief
OPERATIONS Leo Lachat Up next – ESF 1&3
ESF #1 - Transportation ESF #3 - Public Works Up next – ESF 2&7 Current Issues –Providing requested state resources, i.e. sandbags, VMBs –Maintaining suspended tolls –Monitoring airport, seaport, railroad operations –Mobilizing State RECON team members –Mobilizing State RIAT team members Unmet Needs –None at this time Future Operations –Support on-going preparedness needs –Support impact response needs –Planning for recovery needs
ESF #2 - Communications ESF #7 - Resource Support Current Issues –Monitoring communications systems coordinating installation for POTs lines, DIA's, DSL lines for projected LSA site in Lakeland –150 plus single line analog phones loaded –approx. 250 cell phones already provided via Cingular –300 cell phones staged (150 in WPB/150 Ft. Lauderdale) –approx.1000 telephone lines back up in Key West –North Collier County 800 MHz site down (Troopers unable to talk to dispatchers) –Charlotte and Hardy minor communication/ microwave links (rain/wind phase) –Centrex lines Lakeland airport –ESF 2 RIAT team deployed –No phone lines outages known
ESF #2 - Communications ESF #7 - Resource Support Unmet Needs –None at this time Future Operations –Support telecommunications for LSA site, support SEOC with telecommunications as needed –Anticipating major communications outages Up next – ESF 4&9
ESF #4 - Firefighting ESF #9 - Search & Rescue Current Issues –Planning cell for deployment of resources –Planning for impact assessment on fire stations in impact area –Planning for backfilling of personnel for fire stations in impact area Unmet Needs –None at this time Future Operations –Continual planning for need of additional assets from other states –Possible RIAT deployment needs Up next – ESF 6
ESF #6 - Mass Care Current Issues –Update shelter database and respond to mission requests. Unmet Needs –None at this time Future Operations –Prepare for Comfort Station operations. Coordinate Mass Care operations. Up next – ESF 8
ESF #8 - Health & Medical Current Issues –Deployed staff for the Logistic Staging Area (LSA) –Special Needs Shelters (SNS) Open- 60 –SNS occupancy –89 health care facilities evacuated - AHCA –12 DMATs on alert –5 DMATs on standby –Identifying staff for the Mass Care Assessment Flight –EMAC mission (#442) to identify special needs nurses- –Monitoring evacuation and status of hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living facilities. –Identified 2 teams (AHCA) to survey health care facilities in the impact area. –Developing a mass casualty planning
ESF #8 - Health & Medical –Resources Deployed Regional Emergency Response Advisors – LSA - 2 Supporting SNS RNs MDs – 4 EMTs - 2 Unmet Needs –None at this time Future Operations –Identification of the location for the DMAT –Emergency responder health and safety (CISD) –DMORT –Identification of air medical transportation –Identify current hospital capacities (Status of health care infrastructure) –Assessment of Lee, Charlotte, and Collier county health departments –Rapid Impact Assessment Team (RIAT) members –Forward State Emergency Response Team (F SERT) Up next – ESF 10
ESF #10 - Hazardous Materials Current Issues –Adjusting focus to current area of threat –Re-evaluating water facility issues for Ft. Myers, Port Charlotte area Unmet Needs –None at this time Future Operations –Coordinating Water Facility issues with ESF 8 & 11 –Developing strategy with EPA for Haz-Mat Response following the storm Up next – ESF 12
ESF #11 - Food, Water & Ice Current Issues –First trucks of water and ice are currently enroute to the Leon County Fairgrounds. –Initial orders for USDA commodities are staged at the warehouse. –ESF 11 LSA team scheduled to depart for Lakeland Airport at 0800 hrs on 8/14/2004. Unmet Needs –None at this time Future Operations –Monitor inventory of resources and resupply as needed. –Support efforts of disaster feeding organizations. –Work with USDA regarding resupplying of commodities Up next – ESF 12
ESF #12 - Energy Up next – ESF 13 Current Issues –Approximately 113,000 customers without power as of 4:00 p.m. –Survey of fuel availability shows fuel is adequate Unmet Needs –None at this time Future Operations –Support evacuations and operations. Monitor status of power systems. System restoration estimates will not be available until several hours after daylight tomorrow (8/14).
ESF #13 - Military Support Current Issues –5000 soldiers authorized for SAD, Liaison officers deployed, mobilized high wheeled vehicles and teams for evacuation and support missions, 5 RECON teams deployed, 1 RIAT team mobilized Unmet Needs –None at this time Future Operations –Support LSA missions, security missions, aircraft missions Up next – ESF 15
ESF #15 - Volunteers and Donations Current Issues –Press Release Regarding Donations Unmet Needs –Volunteers to staff Volunteers & Donations Hotline Future Operations –Volunteer Reception Center: 1301 Cattlemen Rd., Sarasota –AmeriCorps to staff Vol. & Don. Hotline FLHELP1 –EMAC: Donations Mgmt. Up next – ESF 16
Current Issues –State law enforcement officers continue to perform normal response and have placed approximately 700 officers on standby for immediate response. Storm related activity occurring is counties being closely monitored and continue to standby for requests by local authorities. Unmet Needs –None at this time Future Operations –LSA assessment and security as needed Up next – ESF 17 ESF #16 – Law Enforcement
Current Issues –Animal export restrictions lifted to facilitate evacuation –Animal shelter and housing identified at –North and South Florida INSERT (RIAT) teams ready to activate –Compiling information on animal rescue teams –Determining resources for staging at LSA –FWC identifying wildlife/exotic animal concerns Unmet Needs –None at this time Future Operations –RIAT and Field assessment teams in place post storm –Carcass disposal considerations pending –Evacuated animal return issues Up next – ESF 14 ESF #17 – Animal Protection
ESF 14- Public Information Up next – Finance & Administration Current Issues –Media interest heavy, Governor has completed 2 press conferences, full availability, ongoing briefings by ESF 14, 24 hour satellite feed regarding issues such as Department of Health, Highway Patrol and Department of Law Enforcement, multiple agency heads have been available for media (highly successful). Unmet Needs –Ongoing information of interest and importance to the public. Appeal to all ESFs to share current information of public interest as soon as possible. Future Operations –Meeting the needs of media & public.
MUTUAL AID Mutual Aid Branch Chief Name
Mutual Aid Current Issues Unmet Needs Future Operations Up next – Finance & Administration
Finance and Administration Current Issues –P.O.s issued for equipment for the LSA. –Made travel arrangements for A-Team. –Some cost estimates from state agencies have been received Unmet Needs – –None Future Operations – –Next State Agency Finance Officers conference call will be held Monday, 8/16/04 at 2:00 PM (850) –Assist in any purchasing or deployment needs. Up next – Logistics
Logistics Current Issues –Mutual Aid Branch: EMAC "A" Team has arrived Developing stand-by EMAC SOW's for FLNG Helicopters and Swift Water Rescue teams –Deployment & Planning Branch: State Mobile Command Vehicle and ALERT-710 LSA Support Trailer ready Tactical Support Equipment Ready 3 Satellite Radio/Telephones issued to CAP in support of RECON Mission in the Panhandle Three FLNG Logistics staff on-site to support operations Supporting FEMA MERS Detachment and ERT-A at the Easley Center
Logistics Current Issues (continued) –Resource Management Branch: Warning Orders have been issued to contract vendors –Coordinating with FEMA Logistics on federal "Push Packages" –Two DMS Purchasing staff on site to support Branch –LSA Type I package on way to Tallahassee, will stage at Fair Grounds until LSA Site selected. –Establishing a LSA at Lakeland Airport Unmet Needs –Continued staffing for long term operations
Logistics Future Operations –SERT "A" Team Deployment as required –Establish LSA as required –Support FEMA MERS as required –Coordinate with FEMA Logistics on available resources and Push Packages –EMAC "A" Team arrival, briefing and utilization –Determine RRT personnel availability once storms clear state Up next – Recovery
Recovery Current Issues –ARLs continue deployment--conference call at Winston Thaxter ARL in Charlotte---"Winds 110 mph sustained, we are in the jail!" All holding position for the moment. Only significant weather in Charlotte and Collier--Collier sustained mph, on generator power--damage reports beginning....substantial assistance requests being relayed by ARL –Meeting held with FEMA to coordinate PA/IA Damage, coordination is ongoing; cooperation and teamwork are excellent! –26 PDA Teams identified/15 IA Teams identified –Community Relations Teams identified –Determined priority for initial deployments –Field Operations Planning Cell met, DFO and other planning underway –Deployment expected for several months or longer
Recovery Unmet Needs –Submitted EMAC request for Human Needs and Public Assistance personnel; other EMAC missions are being identified Future Operations –Federal teams arriving Sunday; deployment with state counterparts Monday morning –A-team member deploying shortly Up next – SERT Chief
SERT CHIEF Mike DeLorenzo