Renovate Conference “Preaching for Revitalization” Joel R. Breidenbaugh, PhD
Preaching for Revitalization 3 Key Ingredients: 1.Deeper preaching—too many churches have become accustomed to skim-the-surface preaching 2.Relevant connections—through relationships, knowing audience, visual aids & the like 3.Repentant people—leaders & members
Biblical Examples Churches in need of revitalization (2+ generations old): 1.Ephesus (cf. Revelation 2:1-7) 2.Laodicea (cf. Revelation 3:14-22)
Theological methods—the theological framework Incorporating biblical theology in one’s training Incorporating systematic theology in one’s training Biblical theology is foundational to systematic theology, but both are indispensable
Theological methods—developing doctrine from a passage of Scripture General principles for theological interpretation 1) Observe the redemptive-historical context (Christocentric) 2) Ask theological questions (God, man, Christ, etc.) 3) Observe the inter-canonical relationship 4) Employ the analogy of faith
Theological methods—developing doctrine from a passage of Scripture Observe specific literary genres 1) Narrative 2) Torah 3) Poetry 4) Wisdom 5) Prophecy 6) Gospel 7) Epistle 8) Apocalyptic
Theological methods—homiletical methodology General principles for keeping the homiletical form doctrinally focused 1) Set the text in larger context of biblical message 2) Preach with a Christocentric undergirding 3) Structure the sermon according to the text 4) Relate the text to contemporary hearers 5) Note the genre and try to reflect it in preaching
Theological methods—homiletical methodology Applying genres in doctrinal exposition 1) Narrative—deal with large chunks & preach inductive-deductively 2) Torah—note the 3-fold use of the Law (restrain human wickedness, convict of sin, & instruct in righteousness)—relate to divine holiness or justice &/or man’s sinfulness 3) Poetry—worthy of parallelism, alliteration, rhyme; note mood of text
Theological methods—homiletical methodology Applying genres (cont.—) 4) Wisdom—topical-expositional (like the rabbis of old), keeping the epilogue in view (especially in Job & Ecclesiastes) 5) Gospel—should reflect the various genres of historical-narrative, wisdom, poetry, prophecy, apocalyptic, parable, & didactic 6) Epistle—didactic, blending both explanation and application
Theological methods—homiletical methodology 2 main kinds of doctrinal exposition: 1) Textual doctrinal exposition—exposition of a particular doctrine 2) Consecutive doctrinal exposition—pure exposition with doctrinal substance through a section of a biblical book or through the whole book
Practical aspects—challenges of a postmodern world Experts say there is no such thing as truth Preachers must stand on truth and work at communicating it Because of the rise of entertainment & the roles of language, image, & story, doctrinal exposition should take advantage of it & communicate clearly, creatively & visually
Visual Aid Examples
Practical aspects—application in doctrinal expository preaching Know your audience Show the relevance of the Bible Doctrine is meant to be applied (Rom 11:33-36) Distinguish between primary & secondary doctrines & major on the primary
Planning Your Preaching Prayerfully plan your preaching calendar 6-12 months out Consider doctrines & issues your church needs to hear 2 values of consecutive exposition are it forces you to deal with tough texts & keeps you from hobby-horse criticism
Planning Your Preaching Consider a Creative Team for Preaching: 1)3-5 people 2)Different ages & genders 3)Brainstorming group 4)Can help with visuals, holistic worship, communicating to different ages 5)Meet with 3-6x/year