The Acts of the Apostles July 13, 2014 Bob Eckel 1 “Acts 13:1-43 “Paul’s 1 st Missionary Journey: Sabbath Preaching” Acts 13:1-3 The Church at Antioch –Describe who is present and what role they may be playing. Barnabus - a Levite from Cyprus Simeon – Niger, of African descent Lucius of Cyrene – west of Egypt Manaen – foster-brother to Herod Antipas (tetrarch), son of Herod the Great Saul – the one converted, taught by the Lord Jesus Christ, now 10 eyars later and soon to be Paul –Notice the prayer, fasting and laying on of hands that preceded Saul and Barnabus being set apart, and that only Saul and Barnabus were called by the Holy Spirit. How did this get communicated? To what work were they called? Who is they that fasted? Who sent them away?
The Acts of the Apostles July 13, 2014 Bob Eckel 2 “Acts 13:1-43 “Paul’s 1 st Missionary Journey: Sabbath Preaching” Acts 3:4-12 The Journey Begins unto Cyprus –Seleucia – the port city for Antioch –This 1 st journey began in ~April 47 A.D. and lasted until they returned to Antioch in ~ September 48 A.D. –Note the events that ensued, almost certainly all on Roman roads: At Salamis, a major and largest city on Cyprus – they preached the gospel in the synagogues –This is a pattern of Paul’s mission - the synagogue 1st and then to the gentiles. –And John Mark was with them. On Pathos, the capital and where the Roman government was centered on Cyprus, they were confronted by Bar-jesus (son of Jesus) (AKA Elymas the sorcerer, Arabic), a false prophet, and the proconsul Sergius Paulos (Roman leader) shows up too. –Bar-jesus is a false Christ – has this personification changed much today? –Saul and Barnabus summoned (called unto). »Was this because Sergius Paulos wanted to hear the Word of the Lord?
The Acts of the Apostles July 13, 2014 Bob Eckel 3 “Acts 13:1-43 “Paul’s 1 st Missionary Journey: Sabbath Preaching” »` The term called does not imply this; thus, probably part of his job description. –Saul now to be called Paul – why and why now? –Paul challenges him as full of guile, son of the devil, enemy of righteousness »Why do you continue to pervert the right ways of the Lord? »And Paul via the power of the Holy Spirit blinded Bar-jesus – remember Paul? –And, Sergius Paulos believed when the Word of God was preached. »No more job description – one very important way the Lord brings some home. Acts 13: The Journey Continues and Moses through Jesus Christ Reviewed –Let’s take a look and see where Paul and Barnabus are at; but no longer John Mark (back to Jerusalem). John Mark – Paul calls him a deserter –Before Paul’s 2 nd journey - Acts 15:36-38) »Why? –John Mark was Barnabus’ cousin (Col 4:10). –Is this an important issue?
The Acts of the Apostles July 13, 2014 Bob Eckel 4 “Acts 13:1-43 “Paul’s 1 st Missionary Journey: Sabbath Preaching” –This Antioch is not from whence they departed but of Pisidia. 1 st of the Galatian churches. –And again, the synagogue is first entered. –Notice now what Paul reveals to the Men of Israel; the sermon - (Acts 13:16-41) begins As was typical the Torah was 1 st read and then readings of the prophets with comments from elders to follow. –And Paul volunteered. The fathers of Israel were chosen and exalted in the wilderness. After many battles vs. 7 nations in Canaan (Deut 7:1) God gave them the promised land for ~450 years. Then judges, the prophet Samuel and then King Saul for 40 years. David, a man after God’s Own heart, would be the seed for the Lord Jesus Christ. And then Paul goes 1000 years forward and mentions John the Baptist, who first preached the baptism of repentance.
The Acts of the Apostles July 13, 2014 Bob Eckel 5 “Acts 13:1-43 “Paul’s 1 st Missionary Journey: Sabbath Preaching” –The Jewish men who fear God were then challenged: –Brethren, children of the stock of Abraham and those among you that fear God »Are these being addressed (v. 26) or are they the ones also identified in v.27 who condemned Jesus and sent Him through Pilate to the tree? »Probably represents two different classes of Jews, and also Gentiles.. –Acts 13:30 – But God raised Him from the dead. –Paul then references Psalms 2:7 and 16:10 to show how the prophecies of David had been fulfilled. And then the epitome of the sermon, Acts 13:38,39 Acts 13:38,39 - Be it known unto you therefore, brethren, that through this man is proclaimed unto you remission of sins: and by him every one that believeth is justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses. Paul now warns the Jewish men - Behold, ye despisers, and wonder, and perish; For I work a work in your days, A work which ye shall in no wise believe, if one declare it unto you. –What happened after the sermon was completed?
The Acts of the Apostles July 13, 2014 Bob Eckel 6 “Acts 13:1-43 “Paul’s 1 st Missionary Journey: Sabbath Preaching” Some of the Jews and the devout proselytes (converted Gentiles) expected another opportunity next week? Others went with Paul and Barnabus. –And they were urged to continue in the grace of God (v. 43).