Kiev is the capital of Ukraine and one of the biggest cities in Europe Its population is more than 5 mln. people
Kiev is the most important political & cultural centre of Ukraine
In Kiev there are more than 3500 historical, architectural & cultural monuments
KIEV-PECHERSK LAVRA is included in UNESCO world heritage
There are more than 140 libraries, 100 museums, 33 theatres & 60 institutions of higher education in Kiev
KYIV NATIONAL LINGUISTIC UNIVERSITY founded in 1948 as Kyiv State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languagesfounded in 1948 as Kyiv State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages the leader of the higher linguistic education in Ukrainethe leader of the higher linguistic education in Ukraine a unique specialized university where 20 foreign languages are taughta unique specialized university where 20 foreign languages are taught
KNLU: Languages 12 European languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Modern Greek, Hungarian, Finnish, Dutch, Czech, Russian, Ukrainian
KNLU: Languages 8 Oriental languages: Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Korean, Turkish, Arabic, Persian, Hindi
KNLU: Academic & Research Institution New FLT methods Fundamental & applied research in: linguisticslinguistics cross-cultural communicationcross-cultural communication cognitive studies,cognitive studies, applied linguisticsapplied linguistics literary studiesliterary studies translationtranslation pedagogicspedagogics psychologypsychology computer studiescomputer studies
KNLU: Facts in Figures 687 – teachers, lecturers, professors work at the University, over 6 thousand body including 400 international students from 26 countries study at 9 Departments KNLU provides Bachelor, Master, Post-graduate & Post-doctoral programs
KNLU: the Structure Department of Germanic PhilologyDepartment of Germanic Philology Department of Romance PhilologyDepartment of Romance Philology Department of Slavic PhilologyDepartment of Slavic Philology Department of Oriental LanguagesDepartment of Oriental Languages Department of TranslationDepartment of Translation Department of LawDepartment of Law Department of EconomicsDepartment of Economics External Degree DepartmentExternal Degree Department Preparatory Department for Foreign StudentsPreparatory Department for Foreign Students
KNLU: Culture & Language Centres Finnish Culture and Language CentreFinnish Culture and Language Centre Dutch Culture and Language CentreDutch Culture and Language Centre Hungarian Culture and Language CentreHungarian Culture and Language Centre Italian Culture and Language CentreItalian Culture and Language Centre Turkish Culture and Language CentreTurkish Culture and Language Centre Arabic Culture and Language CentreArabic Culture and Language Centre Azerbaidzhan Culture and Language CentreAzerbaidzhan Culture and Language Centre Chinese Culture and Language CentreChinese Culture and Language Centre Korean Culture and Language CentreKorean Culture and Language Centre
Hungarian Culture & Language Centre
KNLU: International Activity KNLU is a collective member of the International Association of Universities Cooperation with universities of: GermanyGermany FranceFrance HungaryHungary PolandPoland RussiaRussia ChinaChina South KoreaSouth Korea Japan, etc.Japan, etc.
KNLU: International Cooperation American House British Council Goethe Institute Dante Alighieri Association Italian Cultural Institute French Cultural Centre Japan Foundation KOICA Korean Organization
International Activity: Educational & Research Areas exchange academic programs research programs for students & staff visiting professors' lectures & courses joint conferences and seminars joint research & cultural projects
KNLU: Joint Research Projects Joint U.S. Department of State & Iowa State University project "Engaging Materials for Global English" (2012) Learning English through Technology Internet-mediated communication tools (social media, Internet projects etc.) Online tools (Voki, Wordle, Mapskip etc. to promote intercultural learning
Engaging Materials for Global English
KNLU: International Centre for Training Teachers Foreign students from: China, Korea, Japan, Western Europe countries & New East, Iran, Turkey, the USA Alongside with Russian & Ukrainian they learn West European languages
Department of Germanic Philology Chair of Germanic & Finno-Ugrian Philology Chair of Germanic & Finno-Ugrian Philology; Chair of English Philology; Chair of English Lexicology & Stylistics named after prof. O. M. Morokhovsky; Chair of German Philology; Chair of Germanic and Romance languages; Chair of Ukrainian Philology and Slavistics; Chair of World Literature History and Culture; Chair of Psychology and Pedagogy.
Department of Germanic Philology
Studying Conditions A well-developed technical basis
Studying Process
Extra Curriculum Activities
Contacts: Kyiv National Linguistic University, 73, Velyka Vasylkivska str., Kyiv - 150, 03680, Ukraine Vice-Rector's for International Affairs Office:
Kiev National Linguistic University