John Bunyan
Life In 1628, John Bunyan (1628 ~ 1688) was born in a tinker's family, and he himself became a tinker, too. He didn't receive much of education and at about 17, he enlisted in the Parliamentary army. Then he joined a Baptist society of Bedford and became a very influential preacher
After Restoration in 1660 he was put into prison for his preaching and was kept there for 12 years. There, in the prison he wrote his famous book The Pilgrim's Progress, which was published in 1678, after his release from the prison. In the summer of 1688, he died of a violent fever. Life
John Bunyan’s cottage Life
John Bunyan’s grave Life
The Pilgrim's Progress The Pilgrim's Progress is Bunyan's chief work and one of the most popular books in the English language. It is written in the old fashioned medieval form of allegory and dream and it is usually read and appreciated as a religious allegory. It tells of Christian's pilgrimage from his home to the Celestial City, and of his experiences and adventures on his journey
The Pilgrim's Progress
The Pilgrim's Progress