RANGE OF AGE FOR KINDERGARTEN CHILDREN In our kindergarten there are children from three up to seven years old. Statutory duty for the beginning of primary education varies between six and seven year olds. Till 2012 these are parents who make a decision in which age their child will start next level of education. Our goal is to fully prepair children for primary school life and to help parents make a pertinent decision.
VALUATION OF PREPAREDNESS A CHILD WHO COMPLETE THE PRE-PRIMARY EDUCATION DISPLAYS AN ADVANCED LEVEL OF AFFICIENCY AND ABILITIES! Valuation of child preparedness for school is achieved on the base of feasibility tests: 1. Scale of preparedness for 6 year olds 2. Scale of preparedness for 5 year olds. Tests contain various tasks prepaired for that to see children`s development in physical, mental and social sphere.
Preparation for writing ability The readiness for school in this matter is formed through the whole kindergarten term of years. Before starting the primary education a child should synchronise the work of eye, hand and arm. What is more, child shoulddraw lines possible fluently, without crossing edges.
A child is ready for writing when display its readiness in: level of manual agility spatial orientation lateralisation perceptiveness sight analysis and synthesis visual and motion remembrance agility in educating process manual activities.
Preparation for read ing ability It is connected with readiness for primary education in physical, mental and social and emotional sphere. A child is ready for writing when display its readiness in: ability of thinking and remembering ability of concentrating recollecting visual and hearing stimulus gaining interest in reading Very important skill is the correct pronunciation and speech.
METODA DOBREGO STARTU (GOOD START METHOD) by M. Bogdanowicz The basis of method is simultaneous stimulation of sences: sight, hearing and motion. There are three variants of method: - „Songs to draw” - „Songs and signs” - „Songs into letters”
The method is intended for children with difficulties in learning of reading and writing, for those with discordant development, and those affected with risk of dyslexia. Through peculiar exercises children explore the world of signs or letters in a multisensory way.
METODA SYMULTANICZNO-SEKWENCYJNA NAUKI CZYTANIA by J. Cieszyńska This method is an effective way of gaining the skill of reading with understanding. The main rule of method is priority of syllables reading in their different combinations. Syllables, which are recognizable by child, perform the role of base for making words.
The method is introduced in stages, differently, according to each letter.
GLOTTODYDAKTYKA It is the new mode of prepairing for learning of reading and writing skills, which is suitable for very young children – as early as for 3 year olds.
Main aim of linguistic education is the preparation of children for reading and writing, forming reading habits and awareness of ortography.
DZIECIĘCA MATEMATYKA (MATHEMATIC FOR KIDS) by E. Gruszczyk - Kolczyńska What is the most important in mathematical education these are personal experiences of a child. Those experiences are the base on which child creates concepts and skills. Gaining mathematical skills affects on an improvement of thinking and emotional resilience.
The programme contains such sections as: spatial orientation, rhytms, supporting of abstract thinking, mensuration of weight and length, classification, creating and resolving mathematical tasks, intuition of geometry, constructions of games, writing down simple equations and many others...
A child who ends a pre-primary education in our kindergarten is happy, filled in experiences, ready to meet a world, also in a new school surrounding.