THE CONTEXT A brief presentation : Its title and the context where it’s going to be developed. The school environment and the students’. level, age and other important characteristics (why you’ve choosen this level).
MAIN REFERENCES: how the syllabus is connected to the legal framework In order to design my syllabus I’ve taken into account the guidelines provided by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages as well as the Royal Decree of Secondary Education by La Generalitat. I’ve also taken into account the Educational Project of my school, which gives a special treatment to the use of ICT in all the subjects, through the “Proa Project”. This project allows the development of my syllabus in a Language Classroom, with a computer for each student. Other projects......
MAIN AIMS OF MY SYLLABUS With my project, I pretend that the Students become aware that learning English is more than acquiring the basic structures and vocabulary of a language. Learning English is learning to communicate with other cultures, learning to accept the cultural and linguistic diversity and learning to respect other people’s rights and personal identities. Learning and speaking foreing languages encourages us to become more open to others, their culture and outlooks. In order to achieve this, the students will be enrolled in a “E- Twinning project” With this project they’ll develop cooperative learning, share cultural information, become aware of cultural diversity At the same time my purpose is to foster students independent learning, to motivate them to learn and use the English language, and to highlight the importance of learning a foreign Language.
The new curriculum contents favour the achievement of key competences, as well as specific competences: Multilingual and Intercultura C., Communicative competence, which is devided into oral competence, written competence (reading and writing), audiovisual Competence and literary competence. With the new curriculum the Commmunicative Competence becomes a priority.
KEY COMPETENCES My syllabus has been designed in order to help students to acquire the key competences. Key competences that everyone should be able to acquire and on which any successfull outocome of any furhter learning depends. The key competences usually refer to better management of one’s own learning, social and interpersoanl relations and communication and reflect the general shift of emphasis from teaching to learning. Although the learning of a language is related to: Linguistic and Communicative Competence(C1) and Artistic and Cultural Competence (2), along the different units students will do activities to acquire all the Competences, especially the Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) (M3), Autonomous Learning Competence (P6) and Learning to Learn competence (M5).But in each unit I specify which Key Competences the students are working with.
METHODOLOGY AND RESOURCES *Different teaching approaches: commnicative, constructivism (student centred), self-acess methods The teaching approaches used take into account the diversity of the students, the variety of their learning styles, and the variety of their interests and motivations. Students are different, they learn differently (some prefer group working while othersw working by their own, computers/books) The teaching approaches chosen must try to cover all the learning needs that the students might have. The teaching programme is mainly based on communicative approach, from the development of communicative activities we will reflect on the language in order that learners progressively become more self-conscious, critical and autonomous with their learning. Constructivism methodology. It attempts to present contents in such a way as to facilitate meaningful learning, using learners’ previous knowledge as a starting point and introducing progressively challenging linguistic elements in each unit. Self-access methodology helps to cater for diversity, and encourage learner’s autonomy. Students have to actively participate in decisions related to their learning process, they are responsible for their learning purposes, they take decisions in planning and carrying out learning activities, and regularly review their learning and evaluate their effectiveness. Students usually become engaged with their learning becoming more effective, efficient and motivating. Resources you use in the syllabus ( look at the programming of the previous session) Use of new techonologies and its importance (ICT) If you have a Blog, Virtual school (moodle plattform), on-learning activities
DIVERSITY Mention if there are students with special educational needs All students as far as possible should have an individualized attention. There are different sources to attend diversity: The self-acces learning can cater the diffeerent learning needs of the students while leaving time to the teacher for individual attention to students. The cooperative and collaborative work is going to help to deal with the different learning needs of the students, because working in groups, the stronger students can help those who need more help. Another strategy will be adapting the activities done in class, the same activity but with a different level of difficulty according to their needs. Others
ASSESSMENT Evaluation plays an important role in the teaching learning process, it has two essential funcions, as pedagogical aid and as a resource to find out to what extent the students have acquired the established aims. There is an initial assessment at the beginning of the course and at the beginging of each didactic There is a diagnositc test in the first unit. It will be useful to know the students’ interests, learning styles, and what they consider to be their English language needs. It will help to know students level and needs in order to make changes or adaptations of the syllabus, if necessary. Formative Assessment- It is generally carried out throughout the course. A systematic observation of their learning process will be carried out along the course. Students must be able to become autonomous in their learning process, reinforcing the success and correcting the errors. It’s important that they know the objectives in order to work hard to achieve them, and that they carrry out self- assessment,so that they can correct their weaknesses. The work done during the self access sessions, the work done at home, the corrections and the self assessment tests are going to be the main part of the formative assessment. Refer to the wide range of assessment tools you have included in your course plan. Summative Assessment evaluates to what extent the learners have acquired the objectives established. In each didactic unit there are specific activities that will assess the acquisition of the specific aims and the acquisition of key competences. Students with special needs will be evaluated according to their individual planning, and the objectives we have established for them.
THE DIDACTIC UNITS: a general outline. The distribution and organisation: he number of units of the syllabus, if they have the same number of sessions, maybe there is a shorter one (introduction, or a unit based on a project..) The topics you deal with are motivating for teenage learners, cross curricuar topics (environment). There are different activities to cope with the three dimensions around which the English language contents have been designed. To cope with the communicative Dimension students will do activities in order to understand, express and interpret their thoughts and feelings in both oral and written form, ( redings, writings, listenings, speaking...Do they appear in each unit?), The Aesthetic and Literary Dimension is worked through the adaptation of some literary texts and the multilingual and intercultural Dimension is worked across the unit, because one of the main objectives of the syllabus is Learning English is learning to communicate with other cultures, learning to accept the cultural and linguistic diversity and learning to respect other people’s rights and personal identities In each didactic unit there are some specific aims and the activities are designed so that the students can get them at the end of the unit. In each unit there is a special attention to diversity and assessment There is also a part for the self evaluation of the teacher
There should be assessment for: The understanding and production of oral, audiovisual and written documents. Evaluation of oral Interactio. Observation and interference of language rules The use of ICT for searching, managing and producing information The use of strategies for promoting autonomous learning. A respectful and curious attitude towards language and culture, and a willingness to engage in collaborative learning.
REFERENCES You can point at any particular meaningful references or resourcwes you’ve used in developing your syllabus.