Week One Agenda IntroductionIntroduction Administrative AnnouncementsAdministrative Announcements Link of the WeekLink of the Week Expected OutcomesExpected Outcomes This Week’s TopicsThis Week’s Topics Next Week’s Lab AssignmentNext Week’s Lab Assignment Break Out ProblemsBreak Out Problems Upcoming DeadlinesUpcoming Deadlines Lab assistance, questions, and chat timeLab assistance, questions, and chat time
Introduction Instructor: Professor Bob D’Andrea Software Engineer Instructor at Franklin University for five years Phone No Cell No Program Chair of Information and Technology: Mr. Todd Whittaker Phone #
Administrative Announcements Instructor commitment I plan to respond daily to student s Post exam grades and lab assignments as quickly as possible in the electronic grade book Post student mid-term and final exam status on the Announcement page after the exam has been administered cs.franklin.edu server Does everyone have a login that works into cs.franklin.edu? Does everyone have putty downloaded to interface with the cs.franklin.edu server?
Administrative Announcements Recorded Franklin Live Power Point Presentations Franklin Live file name format: Example: Week_One_1.pptx Week_One_1_ppt.ppt Week_One_1_ppt.ppt Franklin Live Attendance: Online class attendance is recorded at the start and end of each session If you enter a session after 6:15 PM EST, please sign-in using the text screen like this: Example: dandrear logging on
Administrative Announcements format for assignment notification notification is requested when an assignment is submitted. The “Subject” line format is as follows: Example: dandrear V1WW Lab Assign format for questions Example: dandrear V1WW Question Example: dandrear V1WW Question Scripts and text file suffix All scripts and text files shall have a suffix (e.g.,sh,.pl,.txt). Homework assistance: Please do not solicit help with lab assignments from the Internet. If your caught, Franklin University will take action against you.
Administrative Announcements Bulletin Board: Mid-Term Exam Outline (not present) Final Exam Outline (not present) Open Source Software folder (present) Drop Box: Drop box link is on your Web page named ITEC 400- V1WW Current Announcements, under the “Communications” tab Student drop box documentation below cs.franklin.edu: This is the official server name for lab scripts and text files.
Administrative Announcements Turnitin.com Assignments All written lab assignments like LDAP, Public Domain Open Source, and the Reiser File System must be submitted to Turnitin.com. I will grade those assignments on Turnitin.com. If your paper indicates matches of 50 percent or more, I will not grade the paper and will recommend that you seek assistance from the Student Learning Center. Proctor Obtain a proctor for mid-term and final exams. Read Assignment 1-1 is due May 10, 2009.
Administrative Announcements UNIX System Administration Syllabus Optional Materials Tutorials: Refer to the following web sites throughout UNIX System Administration. They are excellent resources for UNIX and Linux: UNIX System Administration Independent Learning (USAIL) (NO LONGER AVAILABLE) Linux help, tutorials and tips UNIX Tutorial for Beginners UNIXhelp for Users.
Administrative Announcements APA style format: Main emphasis on citing sources, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization Link of the week: New links are provided weekly to direct students to information that will aid them with class lab assignments and enhance their overall learning experience. Tutoring and workshops: Student Learning Center Writing appointments via Franklin Live
Administrative Announcements VMware software: Source for downloading Knoppix software is on Web page COMP/ITEC 400 – UNIX System Administration Demonstrate Knoppix icons ftp from Knoppix to cs.franklin.edu Weekly quiz: Weekly quizzes will be listed on the Bulletin Board for online students to review and study. The quizzes address material from the reading thelinks, text, Weekly Modules, and class lectures.
Administrative Announcements Office hours On demand. I would gladly do a personalized Franklin Live session with you. Discuss issue(s) on the phone (h) (c)
Link of the Week Open Source Software: Definition of Open Source Software.Definition of Open Source Software. List of open source products.List of open source products. Who benefits from open source products?Who benefits from open source products? What is shared source?What is shared source?
Expected Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: Create non-trivial shell scripts.Create non-trivial shell scripts. Perform appropriate UNIX system administration tasks.Perform appropriate UNIX system administration tasks. Compose non-trivial scripts using Perl programming language.Compose non-trivial scripts using Perl programming language. Distinguish the roles of Linux and Open Source software.Distinguish the roles of Linux and Open Source software. Incorporate the make utility appropriately within programs.Incorporate the make utility appropriately within programs.
Review Shell syntax $# - Number of positional parameters$# - Number of positional parameters $! - Background PID$! - Background PID $? - Return value$? - Return value $$ - Process PID$$ - Process PID $ - Provides the content of a variable ($NUMBER)$ - Provides the content of a variable ($NUMBER) $1, $2, $3 … - The syntax represents the positional parameters on the command line.$1, $2, $3 … - The syntax represents the positional parameters on the command line. exit 0 – The return values is a number from 0 to 255. A value of zero (0) indicates a normal exit.exit 0 – The return values is a number from 0 to 255. A value of zero (0) indicates a normal exit. exit 1 - Indicates a failure.exit 1 - Indicates a failure.
Review shell syntax “ “ - Double quotes. Removes special meaning of all enclosed characters, except $, `, “, and \.“ “ - Double quotes. Removes special meaning of all enclosed characters, except $, `, “, and \. Example: print “The price is $Price.\n”; (interpolation)Example: print “The price is $Price.\n”; (interpolation) ‘ ’ - Literal quotes. Removes the special meaning of all enclosed characters. A single quote cannot appear within single quotes because a single quote denotes the end of the string.‘ ’ - Literal quotes. Removes the special meaning of all enclosed characters. A single quote cannot appear within single quotes because a single quote denotes the end of the string. ` ` - Single Back Slash quotes. Used for command substitution.` ` - Single Back Slash quotes. Used for command substitution. Example: echo The date is `date` (interpolation)Example: echo The date is `date` (interpolation) LINES=`wc -l $ENTRY | cut -c 1-7`LINES=`wc -l $ENTRY | cut -c 1-7` LISTING=`ls -l | cut -f 9`LISTING=`ls -l | cut -f 9`
Review shell syntax if [ -d "$1" ]if [ -d "$1" ] thenthen fifi wc –l - Word count with –l (line option). Print the new line countswc –l - Word count with –l (line option). Print the new line counts ~ - Tilde (~dandrear)~ - Tilde (~dandrear)
Next Weeks Lab Assignment Quick Reference Links Week One Week Three Week Four Week Five
Next Weeks Lab Assignment Review Lab Assignment 2-1 Simple Shell scripting.Review Lab Assignment 2-1 Simple Shell scripting. Demonstrate where the lab assignments should be recorded on cs.franklin.edu (Einstein).Demonstrate where the lab assignments should be recorded on cs.franklin.edu (Einstein). Demonstrate the execution of printnum.sh and maxlines.sh scripts on EinsteinDemonstrate the execution of printnum.sh and maxlines.sh scripts on Einstein
Break Out Problems ps –efps –ef lessless ps –e | wc –lps –e | wc –l who | awk ‘{print $1}’ | sort –u | wc –lwho | awk ‘{print $1}’ | sort –u | wc –l ps –ef | awk ‘{print $1}’ |sort –u | wc –lps –ef | awk ‘{print $1}’ |sort –u | wc –l ls –l | grep –v total | cut –c2-4ls –l | grep –v total | cut –c2-4 ps –ef | awk ‘{print $9, $1}’ps –ef | awk ‘{print $9, $1}’ Shell language command: $#Shell language command: $# Shell language command: for name in *Shell language command: for name in * Shell language command: NUMBER=$(($NUMBER - 1))Shell language command: NUMBER=$(($NUMBER - 1)) Shell variable: PATHShell variable: PATH
Upcoming Deadlines Lab Assignment 1-2, Introduction to Linux, due May 3,2009.Lab Assignment 1-2, Introduction to Linux, due May 3,2009. Lab Assignment 1-3, In-Class Quiz, due May 3, 2009.Lab Assignment 1-3, In-Class Quiz, due May 3, Lab Assignment 2-1, Simple Shell Scripting, due May 17, 2009.Lab Assignment 2-1, Simple Shell Scripting, due May 17, Lab Assignment 3-1, Advanced Scripting, due May 24, 2009.Lab Assignment 3-1, Advanced Scripting, due May 24, Read Chapters 1 and 2 in Essential System Administration textRead Chapters 1 and 2 in Essential System Administration text Read Module One listed under the course Web siteRead Module One listed under the course Web site Lab Assignment 13-1 requires a usable mic August 2, 2009.Lab Assignment 13-1 requires a usable mic August 2, 2009.
Lab assistance, questions, and chat time Questions?Questions? Comments?Comments? Concerns?Concerns? After class I will help students with their scripts.After class I will help students with their scripts.
Have a good week