Engineers Without Borders H&S Presentation Anticipating Hazards AnnMarie Spexet, P.E. H&S Committee South Central Region This presentation was created for the regional workshops. The idea was to allow chapters to act as a HASP reviewer and predict the hazards of a project based on some very limited project information so that chapters can begin to think of hazards in an anticipatory way rather than a reactive one.
H&S Presentations available on the EWB Website Construction H&S * Travel Health and Medicine * Security * Writing the H&S plan Anticipating Hazards * On EWB-USA Website This is the 5th talk we’ve given. Most of the rest are available on the EWB website
Purpose of the HASP Document Think about the hazards associated with their project and how to minimize them Distribute the information to the other project team members before they sign waivers and travel Emergency procedures Demonstrate an understanding of H&S issues in the TAC review. The reviewer must have confidence that the project can and will be safely executed on site
Purpose of the HASP Document Think about the hazards associated with the project and how to minimize them Distribute the information to the other project team members before they sign waivers and travel Emergency procedures Demonstrate an understanding of H&S issues in the TAC review. The reviewer must have confidence that the project can and will be safely executed on site
Task Hazards (From the HASP template) Noise and Hearing Conservation Working at Elevation and Fall Protection Inclement Weather Ladders Heat Stress Shoring and Trenching Cold Stress Hazardous Materials Use and Storage Foot Care Demolition Confined Space Active and Abandoned Utilities and Landmines Hot Work Electrical Safety Manual Lifting and Handling of Heavy Objects Hand and Power Hand Tools Rough Terrain Hand and Emergency Signals Housekeeping Lock Out Tag Out Structural Hazards Biological Hazards Remote Areas Hazardous Materials Working over or near water Clearing Grubbing and Logging Traffic and Vehicles Falling Objects, Punctures and Abrasions Heavy Equip Operation Silica This is a list of all the major task hazards that appears in every HASP template.
Project 1 Project: Assessing for Water distribution system Location: rural northern Mexico Scope: Surveying a pipeline run, water quality testing on a river Timeframe: 1 month in December Additional information: Chapter is planning to drive to the site Here’s your first project. This is very limited information, but even with just these pieces of information, there are many different hazards the project team could reasonably expect to see on site, and that we on the H&S committee will expect that they could anticipate. Take a minute or two and think about what you might expect to see on this site.
Task Hazards Noise and Hearing Conservation Working at Elevation and Fall Protection Inclement Weather Ladders Heat Stress Shoring and Trenching Cold Stress Hazardous Materials Use and Storage Foot Care Demolition Confined Space Active and Abandoned Utilities and Landmines Hot Work Electrical Safety Manual Lifting and Handling of Heavy Objects Hand and Power Hand Tools Rough Terrain Hand and Emergency Signals Housekeeping Lock Out Tag Out Structural Hazards Biological Hazards Remote Areas Hazardous Materials Working over or near water Clearing Grubbing and Logging Traffic and Vehicles Falling Objects, Punctures and Abrasions Heavy Equip Operation Silica Most of the hazards we anticipate here are pretty standard across all projects, and the one that stands out the most in this project is for traffic and vehicles. EWB does not allow travel teams to transport themselves. Car accidents are by far one of the biggest hazards we have on our project sites, but it is often overlooked by travel teams.
Additional Notes Dangers on the US/Mexico border. Potentially traveling through high risk areas. Have they consulted International SOS (11BCPA000270) US State Department We encourage everyone to consult ISOS and the US state department travel website before every trip
A few more words about Transportation Every EWB team uses some form of transportation EWB Highly recommends that the Team do not drive themselves The driving standards and rules of the road vary greatly around the world. Traffic accidents are one of the leading causes of injury in the developing world. No driving at dusk or at night Check state of vehicle, lights, brakes, tread on tires, seats for everyone, belts a bonus, no riding in the backs of pickup trucks or on motorcycles
Project 2 Project: Installing Solar panels on schoolhouse Location: Rural Cambodia Scope: 8 panels with lights and computer inside the school Timeframe: 2 weeks in June Additional information: Chapter members will be doing most of the implementation, but teaching the locals how to maintain the system Here’s project number 2. Again, think about the sort of safety issues you can encounter here.
Task Hazards Noise and Hearing Conservation Working at Elevation and Fall Protection Inclement Weather Ladders Heat Stress Shoring and Trenching Cold Stress Hazardous Materials Use and Storage Foot Care Demolition Confined Space Active and Abandoned Utilities and Landmines Hot Work Electrical Safety Manual Lifting and Handling of Heavy Objects Hand and Power Hand Tools Rough Terrain Hand and Emergency Signals Housekeeping Lock Out Tag Out Structural Hazards Biological Hazards Remote Areas Hazardous Materials Working over or near water Clearing Grubbing and Logging Traffic and Vehicles Falling Objects, Punctures and Abrasions Heavy Equip Operation Silica In this case, we have a region specific issue in addition to all of the other issues you’d expect in a solar installation. We have had projects where abandoned landmines have been an issue. To know if this is an issue at your site, you must do historical investigation as well as careful interviews with the community.
Additional Notes What is the roof made of? Are they prepared to work on that structure? fall protection, structural issues on the roof, working at height, ladders Wind concerns when lifting panels up All electrical hazards, grounding, etc. Chemical hazards from batteries Have they looked for best practices standards from industry groups like NABCEP? Cambodia still has a major land mine issue in rural areas. Are they aware of that?
Project 3 Project: Footbridge across river Location: Semirural Uganda Scope: Footbridge design from Bridges to Prosperity Timeframe: 2 month implementation – July/August Additional information: Hired local construction manager, and community will be providing much of the labor Here’s the third project.
Task Hazards Noise and Hearing Conservation Working at Elevation and Fall Protection Inclement Weather Ladders Heat Stress Shoring and Trenching Cold Stress Hazardous Materials Use and Storage Foot Care Demolition Confined Space Active and Abandoned Utilities and Landmines Hot Work Electrical Safety Manual Lifting and Handling of Heavy Objects Hand and Power Hand Tools Rough Terrain Hand and Emergency Signals Housekeeping Lock Out Tag Out Structural Hazards Biological Hazards Remote Areas Hazardous Materials Working over or near water Clearing Grubbing and Logging Traffic and Vehicles Falling Objects, Punctures and Abrasions Heavy Equip Operation Silica The issues here are ones you should be able to anticipate. One issue here that isn’t addressed is the safety management for the locals.
Additional Notes Did the team discuss safety management with construction manager? Will the locals have adequate PPE during construction? Since the construction manager and the local laborers will be doing much of the work on this project, it will be necessary to understand the work agreements in place, and you should be aware of the safety issues that will be specific to the locals (such as inadequate boots and other PPE).
Project 4 Project: Latrine Construction Location: rural Bolivian mountains Scope: 15 hand dug pit latrines Timeframe: 2 weeks in April Additional information: Community is assisting on construction Last Project.
Task Hazards Noise and Hearing Conservation Working at Elevation and Fall Protection Inclement Weather Ladders Heat Stress Shoring and Trenching Cold Stress Hazardous Materials Use and Storage Foot Care Demolition Confined Space Active and Abandoned Utilities and Landmines Hot Work Electrical Safety Manual Lifting and Handling of Heavy Objects Hand and Power Hand Tools Rough Terrain Hand and Emergency Signals Housekeeping Lock Out Tag Out Structural Hazards Biological Hazards Remote Areas Hazardous Materials Working over or near water Clearing Grubbing and Logging Traffic and Vehicles Falling Objects, Punctures and Abrasions Heavy Equip Operation Silica In this case, there are two major issues. The first is the excavations. The second issue doesn’t appear on the list. You would have to know something about Bolivian geography to identify…
Additional Notes High altitude acclimation. Have they budgeted time for that? The schedule is very ambitious… Are adequate rest periods scheduled? How deep are the pits going to be? What type of soil is this? Shoring or sloping necessary? Fall protection issues – How will they mark the pits at night Digging in excavations – foot and head protection Altitude illness. Altitude sickness doesn’t depend on age, gender, or fitness level. High altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) and cerebral edema (HACE) It can hit very quickly and can be fatal.