CENTRAL SERVICE TRAINING ACTIONS 1. COURSES: Attendance training Distance training: PLATEGA 2. STUDY LEAVES. 3. DIFFERENT ACTIVITIES ABROAD: To improve linguistic competence.
CENTRAL SERVICE TRAINING ACTIONS 4. QUALITY AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE EDUCATIONAL RESULTS: PROA Plan ( Reinforcement, Orientation, Supporting) Aims: Improving learning, Motivating students, lntegrating families in the educational process.
CENTRAL SERVICE TRAINING ACTIONS Programs for the improvement of educational success: Support classes CIT workshops Reading Foreign languages Artistic development
CENTRAL SERVICE TRAINING ACTIONS Self-asessment plans Improvement of the quality of the education plans: Schools have an internal evaluation about some curricular subject and they make a plan to improve the areas of work that have been chosen.
CENTRAL SERVICE TRAINING ACTIONS Programs to prevent early school leaving: Advice and orientation are given to the educational community. Support to solve problems. After-school activities, extra-curricular activities.
CENTRAL SERVICE TRAINING ACTIONS 5. PROMOTION OF PLURILINGUISM: Bilingual sections Different programs: PALE (for teachers) CUALE (for students) LALO (for students coming from Portugal)
CENTRAL SERVICE TRAINING ACTIONS Summer courses abroad (for students) Language assistants.
6. GALICAIAN LINGUISTIC STANDARDIZATION: Projects for achieving linguistic stardardization. Classes in Galician language in some Nursery Schools situated in Spanish speaking areas. CENTRAL SERVICE TRAINING ACTIONS
7. DEMOCRATIC VALUES: VALORA Plan: Educational Innovating projects about democratic values: Sharing Citizenship, peace culture Leisure time, health…
CENTRAL SERVICE TRAINING ACTIONS 9. SCHOOL LIBRARIES: Plan to improve school libraries Activities to promote reading The library as a place where students can find resources, information, have a good time and learn.
CENTRAL SERVICE TRAINING ACTIONS 10. AWARDS: Educational innovation awards: For innovating experiences For innovating education in democratic values For educational resources for the societey of communication:
CENTRAL SERVICE TRAINING ACTIONS Web materials for the classroom Gallery of images in the web Free software…