Physics 5 Pressure and Moments
C/WPressure8-Sep-15 Aims:-4 describe pressure 5 explain pressure in a liquid or gas 6 calculate pressure
Copy note then do … Pressure is how spread-out a force is Complete worksheet then … Draw a design for either: a stiletto with a low pressure heel a football boot with high pressure studs FT
Copy note then do … Pressure is how spread-out a force is Complete worksheet IT
Copy note then do … Pressure in a liquid is caused by the weight of the liquid on top Watch demo – draw it, label it and explain what you see IT
Copy note then do … Pressure in a gas is caused by the gas particles hitting the sides of the container Answer questions a,b and 1 on pages IT
Copy note then do … Pressure is how spread-out a force is Pressure=Force÷Area N/m 2 N m 2 Now complete worksheet HT
Copy note then do … Pressure in a liquid is caused by the weight of the liquid on top Pressure is the same throughout the liquid Copy hydraulic example diagram and calculation p34 Attempt worksheet HT
Copy note then do … Pressure in a gas is caused by the gas particles hitting the sides of the container Answer questions a,b and 1,3 on pages HT
Are You On Target Today? Aims:- 4 describe pressure 5 explain pressure in a liquid or gas 6 calculate pressure
C/WMoments8-Sep-15 Aims:-4 describe what a moment is 5 explain balanced moments 6 calculate balancing moments
Copy note then do … A ‘moment’ is the turning effect of a force Complete Worksheet 1 (levers) Complete Worksheet 2 (see-saws) FT
Copy note then do … A ‘moment’ is the turning effect of a force Complete Worksheet 1 (levers) IT
Copy note then do … Moments are calculated using:- Moment=ForcexDistance Nm N m Complete Worksheet 2 (balanced moments) IT
Copy note then do … A ‘moment’ is the turning effect of a force Complete Worksheet 1 (levers) HT
Copy note then do … Moments are calculated using:- Moment=ForcexDistance Nm N m Complete Worksheet 2 (balanced moments) HT
Copy note then do … To find a balancing moment … Distance=Moment÷Force m Nm N Force=Moment÷ Distance N Nm m HT Now do worksheet 3 (balancing moments)
Are You On Target Today? Aims:- 4 describe what a moment is 5 explain balanced moments 6 calculate balancing moments