Chapter 5—Part 1 Ocean Circulation/ Upwelling Zones/ El Niño
Ocean Circulation 1. Eckman spiral 2. Upwelling zones 3. El Niño
Ocean surface currents are driven by atmospheric winds Energy from wind transferred to water by friction
Wind Wind moves surface water (friction) Velocity of water decreases with depth
But Both the wind and the ocean currents are deflected near the atmosphere-ocean interface by a combina- tion of the Coriolis effect, friction, and gravity This gives rise to what is termed the Eckman Spiral - Surface wind rotated 45 o relative to the geostrophic (free troposphere) wind - Surface waters move 45 o relative to the surface wind direction - Net transfer of water 90 o to the surface wind
The Eckman Spiral
Surface waters move 45 o relative to surface wind Net transfer of water 90 o to surface wind direction Eckman Pumping Equator Surface wind Surface current Net ocean transport Surface water is driven offshore by Eckman spiral Replaced by water from below upwelling! Geostrophic wind (Easterlies)
Consequences of upwelling Deep water is rich in nutrients (P, N, Fe) Upwelling brings nutrient-rich water to the surface ocean, fueling biological productivity (phytoplankton) Zooplankton eat the phytoplankton Fish eat both of these get good fisheries in upwelling zones
El Niño (the Christ child) Every 3-7 years Last 6-18 months Happens near Christmas season
El Niño (the Christ child) Every 3-7 years Last 6-18 months Happens near Christmas season Opposite: La Niña (the girl child)
Normally… Warm waters pushed by trade winds towards Asia and Australia Cold waters upwell near South America
Pacific warm pool
Normal Conditions: This east-west circulation pattern, which is sort of like a Hadley cell, is called the Walker Circulation It reinforces the normal tropical easterlies, thus helping to foster upwelling off the coast of Peru Australia/ Indonesia South America
Normal Conditions: El Niño Condition: Normal Walker Circulation Weakened Walker Circulation South America Australia/ Indonesia Australia/ Indonesia
Atmospheric Pressure: Normal high over Tahiti, low over Darwin, Australia El Nino low over Tahiti, high over Darwin The shift in pressure is called the Southern Oscillation The combined El Niño/Southern Oscillation is referred to as ENSO
Atmospheric Pressure: Normal high over Tahiti, low over Darwin, Australia El Niño low over Tahiti, high over Darwin * Darwin
Southern Oscillation Index [ P diff - P diffav ] SOI = SD(P diff ) where P diff = (average Tahiti MSLP for the month) – (average Darwin MSLP for the month), P diffav = long term average of P diff for the month in question, and SD(P diff ) = long term standard deviation of P diff for the month in question.
Strong El Nino
La Niña Is this what is caused the 2011 Texas drought? “ENSO neutral” conditions persisted during most of 2012
The fact that we have been in an extended La Niña may explain why the climate has not warmed as fast as expected over the past 15 years…
Total heat accumulation in sea, land, and air continuation-global-warming.html
Results of El Niño In the Pacific Region: weaker trade winds warm waters across the Pacific rain in South America, drought in Australia
Results of El Niño In the Pacific Region: weaker trade winds warm waters across the Pacific rain in South America, drought in Australia Teleconnections--shifting atmospheric patterns (global) high rain in the US midwest more storms in the Pacific, fewer in the Atlantic heavy rains in California cold winters in the Northeastern US