ASSOCIATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WEST ATHENS LAPs & RAPs Developing a Methodological Framework for Developing Local and Regional Plans for Social Inclusion Second Peer Review and Development Workshop Rome, May 2006 Integration of immigrants, who live in West Athens, into the local labour market Katopodis Andreas, Diamantopoulos Moskos
ASSOCIATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WEST ATHENS 2 Program – Integra Program – Integra Title – Prepatre/In_Web Title – Prepatre/In_Web Local Partners – Prefecture of Athens, Municipalities of Aigaleo, Agia Barbara, Agioi Anargyroi, Aspropyrgos, Peristeri, Integration SA Local Partners – Prefecture of Athens, Municipalities of Aigaleo, Agia Barbara, Agioi Anargyroi, Aspropyrgos, Peristeri, Integration SA International Partners – ASDA, UVI – Denmark, CLP – France, Noting Dale Technology Centre – United Kingdom, Migrant services of Lanci, Uusimma – Finland International Partners – ASDA, UVI – Denmark, CLP – France, Noting Dale Technology Centre – United Kingdom, Migrant services of Lanci, Uusimma – Finland Date Date
ASSOCIATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WEST ATHENS Actions: Seminars Informational Desk for immigrants Database with local immigrant labour force Web application for the certification of Greek linguistic skills Application for the certification of professional skills Training programs
ASSOCIATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WEST ATHENS Aim of seminars: briefing on the problems of social and labour exclusion sensitization of the public opinion definition of training needs
ASSOCIATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WEST ATHENS The Informational Desk for Immigrants developed the following activities: information for the legal items (citizenship, recognition of title of study, etc) information for the professions, the work and the qualifications psychological support and social advisory advisory support and information on professional orientation / reorientation collaborations with Institutions that have working programs about the labour market
ASSOCIATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WEST ATHENS ASDA created a database in order to serve aim as the: promotion of employment evaluation of existing situation of concerned population sorting out of elements for researches and studies Communication with concerned population
ASSOCIATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WEST ATHENS This application constitutes a pioneering method of evaluation of qualifications and faculties of immigrants and aims an the innovative approach This application includes the creation of 2 sub applications (linguistic test) an application of certification, same for all the concerned population, on the basis of the prescriptions of Ministry of Education Certification application of linguistic skills
ASSOCIATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WEST ATHENS Certification model of professional skills: The application concerns a model of determination of their professional skills. The application includes for each professional category: Professional profile Related thematic fields that are taught in the Greek Educational Institutions Additional dexterities that requires the Greek labour market.
ASSOCIATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WEST ATHENS Training programs : The training programs were addressed to: unemployed graduates Medical and Paramedics of professions, Mechanic Graduates women in the tourist sector with a view to provide them with dexterities - knowledge that is required so that is included in the job market.
ASSOCIATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WEST ATHENS 10 basic criteria for the evaluation of candidates (for example the Doctors Graduates) were: the linguistic sufficiency the medical specialisation their previous experience in the object of training their need and wish for integration in labour market social criteria (familial situation)
ASSOCIATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WEST ATHENS Results of the Database access to the database of future employers creation of a Web Page learning of Greek language with the help of educational parcel (an enriched the Greek- Russian dictionary) learning of terminology of concrete professions comprehension of Greek reality (laws, services)
ASSOCIATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF WEST ATHENS Results of the training programs : The training actions achieved their objectives. Trainees completed a circle of study on issues comprising activity harmonised with the particular needs and requirements the existing working places The results of the three programs are considered satisfactory. The attendance of trainnees oscillated in very high levels and their output was more from satisfactory as this is confirmed by the work, the written examinations, test, the results of practical exercise and the rate of absorption local labour market