Katherine S. Holmes READ 7140 May 28, 2008
Georgia Writing Test – 5 th Grade GOAL: To assess the procedures to enhance statewide instruction in language arts. Consists of narrative, informational and persuasive writing. The topics are spiraled.
Georgia Writing Test – 5 th Grade Scoring –Analytic Means that more than one feature or domain of a paper is evaluated. Four domains as to how a student’s writing will be assessed. »Ideas, Organization, Style, Conventions »Domain Scoring: Content – 40% »Organization, Style, and »Conventions – 60% Combined
Georgia Writing Test – 5 th Grade Scoring: Uses Developmental Stages –Includes six stages The Emerging Writer The Developing Writer The Focusing Writer The Experimenting Writer The Engaging Writer The Extending Writer
Introduction to the Unit Grade Level: 4 th Genre of writing: Expository Content Area Connection: Social Studies
Content Area Connection SS4H1 The student will describe how early Native American cultures developed in North America b. Describe how the American Indians used their environment to obtain food, clothing, and shelter
Expository Writing Expository writing is factual. Purpose: To convey information about the world Used: To share information to others Most commonly used patterns: description, sequence, comparison, cause and effect, and problem and solution Sequencing: Examples: first, second, third, next, then, and finally Descriptors: characteristics, features, and examples are written
Prewriting – Instructional Grouping Options Whole Group: Instruction and the prewriting activity Partners: As Needed; For the students that have a learning disability or the students who are bilingual Individual: Assessment Activity; The teacher will walk around and monitor; If help is needed, she will provide it
Prewriting - Grouping Options Relating to Students’ Developmental, Cultural, and Linguistic Needs Reason students will be grouped whole group: Saves on repetition of instructions; Increases time on task; Scaffolding; Zone of Proximal Development Pairing of students: Students can explain directions to each other; Helping one another in comprehending the material Individual: Check understanding
Prewriting - Grouping Arrangements Developmental: 3 students with learning disabilities Students to be included in the whole group activities When needed, the students will be paired 2 students are gifted – they will complete a graphic organizer and expository over a different tribe –Reason for pairing: More accurate work One student with a speech impediment; Partnered up at a later time; Not affected during the prewriting stage
Prewriting - Grouping Arrangements Cultural: 3 students who are bilingual - trouble with subject-verb agreement –Will be paired with higher level students, if needed, and allowed to use a Spanish/English translation dictionary; During independent time – students assisted one on one Linguistic: 3 students that are bilingual; 1 with a speech impediment; These students partnered as needed
Pre-Writing Instructional Procedures –Choose a topic: –Consider purpose, audience, and form –Narrative, peers/classmates, short story –Generate and Organize ideas for writing
Prewriting Topic: The Seminole Indians Audience: Classmates Purpose: To Inform Form: Expository
Prewriting Practice Activity: Complete a blank graphic organizer as a class; Facts to be given over the Seminole Indians (shared writing) Assessment Activity: Students will complete a blank graphic organizer independently –Three descriptors/facts to be listed under each point
Prewriting Accommodations and/or Modifications Differing stages of development Gifted students: Complete a graph and story over a different tribe Rest of the students: Write about the Seminole tribe Differing cultural and linguistic backgrounds Limited English speakers Use a Spanish/English dictionary Take home extra information where someone can work with them to give them extra help Will write about the Seminole tribe
Drafting - Grouping Options Relating to Students’ Developmental, Cultural, and Linguistic Needs Developmental: I will work with the student with a speech impediment – due to he writes the way he speaks (Spelling phonetically)
Drafting - Grouping Arrangements Cultural: The 3 students that are bilingual will be paired with higher level students – due to subject-verb agreement difficulties; Will be allowed to use a Spanish/English translation dictionary Linguistic: Paired with higher level students
Drafting Instructional Procedures –Second stage of the writing process –Write sentences of your ideas –Do not worry about making errors –Write Rough Draft at top of paper –Skip every other line –5 paragraphs: introduction, body, conclusion
Drafting Practice Activity: Complete a draft of a 5 paragraph essay (shared writing); Take facts from graphic organizer Assessment Activity: Students will complete a draft using information from their graph; Must include header, skipped lines, and content.
Drafting Accommodations and/or Modifications Differing stages of development All students allowed to use their graphic organizer from the previous day Differing cultural and linguistic backgrounds Students who are bilingual – Allowed to use a Spanish/English dictionary; Also allowed to take their rough draft home to complete it Student with speech difficulties - work one on one with teacher
Revising - Grouping Options Relating to Students’ Developmental, Cultural, and Linguistic Needs Developmental: Student with speech impediment included in small group Cultural: Partners; Subject-verb agreement
Revising Instructional Procedures –Third stage of the writing process –Clarify and refine ideas –Add, substitute, delete, or rearrange material –Share draft with others; receive feedback –Cross out, draw arrows, write in spaces
Revising Practice Activity: Revise rough draft as a class from previous day; Use rules of adding words, substituting sentences, deleting paragraphs, and moving phrases. (shared writing) Assessment Activity: Students will revise their rough drafts based on feedback from peers
Revising Accommodations and/or Modifications Differing stages of development All students allowed to use revising rule sheet Differing cultural and linguistic backgrounds Included in writing groups; Work one on one with teacher
Editing Instructional Procedures –Fourth stage of the writing process –“Putting the piece in its final form” –Focus on the mechanics of the paper –Capitalization; Punctuation; Spelling; Sentence structure; Usage; Formatting –Proofread to locate errors/Correct errors using special proofreader’s marks
Editing Practice Activity: As a class, edit draft using proofreader’s marks Assessment Activity: Students will edit their draft using the sheet containing the proofreader’s marks
Editing Accommodations and/or Modifications Differing stages of development/Differing cultural and linguistic backgrounds All students will be allowed to use a sheet that shows the different proofreader’s marks
Publishing - Grouping Options Relating to Students’ Developmental, Cultural, and Linguistic Needs Linguistic: Student with speech impediment and bilingual students will read a paragraph of their report
Publishing Instructional Procedures –Fifth stage of the writing process –Publish and share with audience –Publisher thought of as author –Sharing writing is a social activity
Publishing Practice Activity: Publish class draft Assessment Activity: Students will publish their final piece and share with the class using the author’s chair
Publishing Accommodations and/or Modifications Differing cultural and linguistic backgrounds Student with speech impediment/Bilingual students will read a paragraph of their published piece
THANK YOU!!!! Katherine S. Holmes READ 7140