Are we nearly there yet ?. Will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel ?


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Presentation transcript:

Are we nearly there yet ?

Will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel ?

The Spirit must be given to all who believe v4,5 The growth of the Kingdom is God’s work, it is spiritual. The beginning of this work is the giving of the Spirit To be part of the team you must repent and believe

The good news must be preached everywhere v6-8 The growth of the Kingdom comes by preaching the Gospel. Hearing the Gospel 2:5-11 Responding to the Gospel 2:41 All over the world Starting with these witnesses: 13:30+31 Our message is their witness, what they saw & heard

The time between Jesus’ ascension & His return is the time for His Kingdom to grow As the Spirit equips Christian believers to tell everyone the good news about Jesus’ death & resurrection