TIPEIL LLP-LDV/TOI/07/IT/019 2nd Transnational Workshop Biarritz, March 2009 PROJECT WORKPLAN FUTURE ACTIVITIES
The Project starting date is the 15/11/2007 The Project closing date is the 14/11/2009 PROJECT TIMING
WP 5 – Dissemination, evaluation and model adaptation (final version) (3 month) from 15/11/09 to 14/02/09
Aims To adapt and ri-draft the model beta version (digital portfolio + training course) from a linguistic, technological and contents point of view, according to experimentation outcomes. To share possible difficulties encountered during the activities realised To verify outcomes performance and expected results To share the management and realisation plan related to the following activities To disseminate products and outcomes achieved, by an increasing number of beneficiaries
Activities The phase begins with the realisation of the 2 nd partnership Transnational Workshop and of the 1 st Project Dissemination Seminar (France). The meeting will be organized within 14 months from the project start-up and will represent an important occasion for the partnership to: analyse and share the difficulties encountered during the experimentation phase; verify the achievement of project outcomes. The 1-day session workshop will be functional both for the preparation of the Dissemination Seminar to be held on the following day, and for drafting and sharing operative suggestions useful for the management and execution of subsequent adjustment and transfer activities.
Activities The 1- day Dissemination Seminar will be focused not only on the project general presentation, but also on the sharing and disseminating of the outcomes achieved, represented mainly by the Model (portfolio + training course) in its final version. Participants, representatives of all target groups identified (either those already involved in the experimentations either those potentially interested) will be encouraged to intervene in working groups and round tables that will typify the seminar trend. In this way, considering that France will not be actively involved in the transfer phase of the Model final version, it will be possible to strengthen its dissemination also within this national context. In the meantime the final version Model will be developed and created on informatics support, in all partnership national languages.
Expected outcomes/outputs Model final version (Portfolio + training model) on informatics support (CD Rom in all partners languages + EN) Preparatory materials and workshop Minutes Divulgation materials and seminar interventions Abstract
Role and tasks of partners involved In this phase University of Rome, Ceris, TRUST, Solco e IEKEP will be primarily involved. P1 Ce.Ri.S. – P7 TRUST Management, coordination and monitoring of project activities Support in the organization and animation of 2 nd Transnational Workshop and of 1 °st Dissemination Seminar (France) Production of Model final version (Portfolio + training module) Website and Mailing list updating P4 ESTIA Organization of 2 nd Transnational Workshop and 1 st Dissemination Seminar P2 IEKEP – P3 ETEO – P4 ESTIA - P5 SOLCO - P6 DPSS 38 – P7 TRUST Cooperation in final version Model creation (integration and translation of Portfolio + training model contents) ALL PARTNERS Participation to 2 nd Transnational Workshop and 1 st Dissemination Seminar Cooperation in dissemination of project outcomes/products Mailing list updating
Budget resources concerned Voice of cost: Subcontracting costs Description: Catering + coffee break 2 nd Meeting in France Partner with budget allocated: Estia (FR) Description: Translations EN/IT-EN/GR-EN/ES Partners with budget allocated: TRUST (IT), Solco (IT), Estia (FR), Eteo (ES), IEKEP (GR), Voice of cost: Other Costs Description: 1 st Dissemination Seminar: Catering and room rental Partner with budget allocated: Estia (FR)
What we will do next…….. To deliver to operators participating to the experimentation phase, the evaluation grid to collect their feedback on issues to be changed. To analyse their feedback and find proper solutions. To work our the final version of the prototype (Platform and related handbooks) in all national languages + English. To start the definite transfer action by the beginning of June 2009.
What we will do next…….. Another specific issue is to be underlined: The original model on which the project is based, was the result of two different experiences and the main outputs were the digital portfolio methodology (described within a handbook) and a supporting training courseware addressed to operators. This courseware was not exactly structured on a e- learning method and was mainly focused on first guidance activity process.
What we will do next…….. Jointly with Cristina and Anna Maria, we have re-analysed this last output and we actually believe that this is not properly fitted with Tipeil aims. The point of discussion I wish to share with you is related to the tools the project must provide to operators and organisations to support at the best their adopting the Prototype we are proposing them (platform and methodology). At the moment, for the preliminary phase, we have worked out two handbooks to guide them.
What we will do next…….. And we have used the ppt format since it seemed to be quite a user friendly method. Now a reflection must be made on the necessity of “translate” the handbooks (or at least the methodological one) in a shape structured as a sort of e-learning courseware. In this case we might think to other additional contents that could be included (e.g. communication techniques). Opinions and suggestions are welcomed!
WP 6 – Final Model Transfer (8 months) from 15/02/2009 to 14/10/2009
Aims To Transfer the final version of the model (Digital Portfolio + training course) to a wider number of operators and organisations.
Activities The transfer activity structure is similar to the one provided for in the experimentation phase, but shall include: The execution on two national contexts (IT/GR); The involvement of a wider sample of beneficiaries; A longer implementation phase. The Transfer will be realised within not less then 10 organisations (representative of each category chosen with respect to targets), for each partner involved (tot. 20 at least). Also in this case, each partner involved (IT/GR) will have to: identify the beneficiary-organisations (Creation of a Map); monitor the experimentation phase during its implementation by the chosen subjects; tutor the operators in the use of the Portfolio.
Activities On the whole, the activity will be articulated in two phases. 1.Partners will identify a group of operators to which will be granted a 5-days training session focused on the use of the portfolio (1-day front – session; and 4-days session dedicated to simulations, analysis and study of situations that might occur in praxis. Such action is propaedeutical to the subsequent. 2. During approximately 15/20 days the trained operators accompanied by a coach (pertaining to partner organization) will apply the tool (digital portfolio) with their beneficiaries-users. At the end of the transfer at least 10/20 portfolios for each Country shall be produced.
Expected outcomes/outputs At the end of the Transfer phase must be available in total 20/40 Portfolios (10/20 for Italy and 10/20 for Greece) It is possible to foresee the collection of filed Portfolios in a database that could be integrated into existing informative systems already available in centers where the transfer has been executed.
Role and tasks of partners involved P1 – Ce.Ri.S. Management, coordination and monitoring of project activities P7 TRUST Project website updating Publication of Newsletter n.3 on website P5 SOLCO - P6 DPSS 38 Scientific supervision of transfer activities and of outcomes quality P1 Ce.Ri.S. - P2 IEKEP - P5 SOLCO - P6 DPSS 38 – P7 TRUST Execution of activities aiming to transfer the final Model in national contexts (entities identification, training and coaching) ALL PARTNERS Cooperation in dissemination of project outcomes/products Mailing lists updating Drafting of Newsletter n.3 contributions
What we will/might do…….. To start the transfer action (June 2009) on Italian and Greek territory, involving a wider number of organisations, operators and users. French and Spanish partner will be asked in this period to widely disseminate the final prototype on territory. If they have recorder a positive response during the experimentation phase, this partners might cooperate in the transfer action in two ways: Working on the portfolios already produced (developing and so improving them), And/or Producing new portfolios.
WP 7 – Final Conference (1 month) from 15/10/2009 to 14/11/2009
Aims To examine outcomes reached in the execution process. To identify strength and weak aspects To identify transferability margins and conditions To identify instruments and modalities for the project follow up To accomplish to obligations provided for in the Agreement with the National Agency
Activities Final conference in Rome, presentation of outcomes and products, sharing and examining solutions finalized to enlarge network of potential users
Expected outcomes/outputs The final outputs of the project to be presented during the Final Conference are: CD Rom including (around 2000 copies): Portfolio Prototype and related tools (protocols of use - handbook) in all partnership languages + English Training Module prototype in three languages + guidelines (IT- GR-EN) Eventually, database of the portfolios produced External evaluation report Project website Project Final Report
Role and tasks of partners involved P1 – Ce.Ri.S. Management, coordination and monitoring of project activities Drafting and presentation of project Final report P7 - TRUST Publishing of Newsletter n.4 on website Production and masterization of Final CD Rom (2000 copies) P1 – Ce.Ri.S. - P5 SOLCO - P6 DPSS 38 – P7 TRUST Cooperation in the organization of the project final Conference to be held in Rome P2 – IEKEP – P3 – ETEO – P4 ESTIA- P5 SOLCO - P6 DPSS 38 Participation to project Final Conference ALL PARTNERS Cooperation in dissemination of all project outcomes/products Respect of all administrative tasks expected for the submitting to the National Agency of the project Final Report Drafting contributions of Newsletter n.4
Budget resources concerned Voice of cost: Subcontracting costs Description: Catering and hall rental Final Conference Partner with budget allocated: University of Rome (IT) Description: Final Conference Interpreters 2 languages/1 day Partners with budget allocated: Ceris (IT) Voice of cost: Other Costs Description: Final Conference fee for 2 external k-speakers Partner with budget allocated: University of Rome (IT)