Dealing With Deceptive People


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Presentation transcript:

Dealing With Deceptive People

Dealing With Deceptive People Nehemiah faces off with Sanballat, Tobiah, & Geshem: Background: Nehemiah returns to Jerusalem from Persian captivity to rebuild the walls around Jerusalem After failing to draw Nehemiah away from the work with distractions, they resort to spreading lies (Nehemiah 6:5-7) This letter is an “open letter” – All to read, interpret, believe. It seemed believable due to naming names & carrying an official appearance Easy to read it, listen to letter carrier, hear gossip and believe what it said without doing any real personal investigation Attacked the motivation of Nehemiah and the people – To rebel Citing gossip, they falsely accuse Nehemiah of seeking to be made king They slander Nehemiah by saying he had filled the land with false prophets who spoke on his behalf

Dealing With Deceptive People Nehemiah faces off with Sanballat, Tobiah, & Geshem: Nehemiah responds with resolve and resilience (Neh. 6:8-9) These lies certainly hurt Nehemiah deeply. They were personal. They not only went after him, but people he had great care for. This work mattered. Everything on the line… physically & spiritually Nehemiah did not multiply words. He kept it simple, straight forward, and blunt. Sincerity was clear. Their words were false! More? He points directly to the source. These lies came from the minds of his enemies. They made it all up. Was all this really true of them? Lessons for builders today: When you are doing good, expect opposition. Don’t give up! (Gal 1:7-9) Don’t feel like you have to engage in a debate. Will people’s minds change if I talk enough? Multiplying words is dangerous. When answering lies, deal with people in a direct & upfront manner. Don’t hide things. Don’t manipulate. Identify lies & source.

Dealing With Deceptive People Jesus faces off with the Pharisees: Jesus had been dealing with confrontation from these Jewish leaders. This opposition reached its breaking point with the healing of a demon possessed man (Matthew 12:22-23) The Pharisees are out of options. So they falsely accuse Jesus, slandering Jesus and His good work (Matthew 12:24) Pharisees Problem: Jesus performed undeniable miracles. These miracles validated Jesus, His teaching, & His claims. Do we submit to Him? The crowds were a problem: They were witnesses! They were coming to believe and follow Jesus. Pharisees losing credibility & control So they lie… Yes, Jesus can heal; however, Jesus only has the power to do this because He is working with Satan. Put this slander in context of that day – Demon possession was around. They saw Satan’s work. So maybe this was part of Satan’s plan?

Dealing With Deceptive People Jesus faces off with the Pharisees: As everyone is listening, Jesus answers with truth (Mt 12:25-32) He shows how illogical their lie is – This would have Satan casting out Satan. Why would Satan be working against himself? They were being inconsistent. Jesus point to others casting out demons… these were accepted by the Pharisees… were they from Satan? Truth: If not from Satan, this must be from God. If it is from God, the prophesied kingdom has come. They didn’t want to accept this because it meant Jesus was KING! They owed Him their allegiance There was a very serious consequence of their lie – Were blaspheming the Holy Spirit. Attributing the work of God to Satan. They did not want truth. In this condition, they were hopelessly lost!

Dealing With Deceptive People Jesus faces off with the Pharisees: Lessons for God’s children today: If possible, look to see the “heart” of the lie – Not to be understanding of lying, but see why the deception was created. Don’t want to accept what truth means? Personal vendetta? Accountability? We can’t make people stop lying, but we can point out the problems with the lies. Inconsistencies, illogical nature, holes in story, etc. Lies create smoke and mud… truth clears it up. Inform and encourage open examination. Don’t be ashamed of doing what is right! Focus on the end result. If the deception is true, then what? If the liars have their way, then what? People are known by their fruit!

Dealing With Deceptive People Paul faces off with his critics: At the end of his missionary journeys, he must face a barrage of lies, arrest, and kangaroo court hearings (Acts 24:1-8) Jews had followed him everywhere. They riled people up against him. Misrepresented Paul and his goals. Beaten, stoned, rejected, and more. Now trumping up charges in Jerusalem (Acts 21:27-29) On trial he has to sit by and listen to Tertullus try and manipulate Felix through flattery. This flattery is deceitful and very unfair Paul is portrayed as a plague… the one who was stirring up trouble This temple issue resurfaces – Someone saw Paul with a Gentile at some point so they assumed he took him into the temple. Evidence? Lysias is said to have taken Paul by force – Never used force. Protected. Paul speaks and is brief, accurate, and thoughtful. He didn’t get overcome by emotions when others did. Stuck to facts. Identified lies and pointed to the absence of his accusers (vs. 17-19)

Dealing With Deceptive People Paul faces off with his critics: He faced deception throughout all of his work and ministry: Said he preached evil that good may come. Grace? (Rom. 3:7-8) Manipulating people said people was a tough man in his letters, but when he showed up he’d be a softie (2 Cor. 10:9-10) His apostleship was dismissed. Said he wasn’t authentic (2 Cor 12:11) Attacked for his lack of pulpit presence, his sins before coming to Christ, how he did or did not accept financial support for preaching, etc. People used anything they thought would discredit and undermine Paul Paul didn’t need to resort to such “carnal weapons.” He had the testimony of the gospel and his life to support him. People could easily compare what they heard to what they witnessed. He would not back down & quit (2 Cor. 11:10-15; 12:12:15-17)

Dealing With Deceptive People Paul faces off with his critics: Lessons for God’s workers today: The presence of opposition and lies doesn’t mean we are on the wrong side. Doesn’t mean we need to give up. May say the opposite! Carefully guard our influence and character before the lies arise. When they do, people have something to compare the lies to. We can’t afford to give anyone a reason to question our works or sincerity We must keep things cool. While it is right to get emotional, we cannot allow emotions to control our response. Respond simply, clearly, and methodically. We have to clear things up from the deceit. People are watching how you handle the battle. Maintain simplicity in your honesty. Be open with others.