TEACHING OTHER SUBJECTS THROUGH L2 CLIL Content and Language Integrated Learning
LANGUAGE TEACHING CONTENT LANGUAGE IN L1 TEACHER ROLE Reduce their talking time in order to allow more student talking time. They just monitor and ease the learning process Main source of input. They talk most of the time STUDENTS ROLE Students produce language rather than just learn about it. They try out various tasks in L2 and communicate interactively.. They mainly receive input and hardly produce any language input. .They do not always interact with their partners. GROUP WORK Pairs, group, individual, whole class. Primary: Group, pair, class. Secondary: Individual, sometimes pair, rarely whole class. INTERACTION Communicative Receptive ACTIVITIES Active and interesting, interactive and appealing: Audial, visual and kinesthetic. Audial and visual. Kinesthetic in Primary Education. MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES IMPLIED Linguistic most of the time. Linguistic but also logical, mathematical, musical, interpersonal , etc SKILLS Listening, reading, speaking, writing The same but not in the same arrangement and not always considered. ASSESMENT Linguistic contents Subject contents
CLIL IS THE RESULT OF COMBINING THESE TWO APPROACHES TEACHER ROLE They channel and ease the learning process. Not only source of input. They must provide the students with activities which allow linguistic production. Must reduce their talking time in order to allow for more student talking time. They must explain the objectives clearly, provide and teach new relevant and technical vocabulary. Make “Frames”. STUDENT ROLE They must become the main language producer in the class as well as being the the main receptor of input. They must give minitalks and produce written and oral texts and presentations after the “Frames” provided by the teacher.. Make learning materials. WORK GROUP Flexible and versatile. Individual, pair work and whole class must be dealt with. Free spaces must be provided in order to allow for kinesthetic needs. Must allow time for thinking and reflect INTERACTION Interactive ACTIVITIES Comunicative, interactive. They must require cooperation in order to achieve the goals .The information should use different codes in order to activate all the multiple intelligences: From text into chart, chart into text, diagram into oral language, written language into drama, drama into speech, visuals into written, and so forth . Code-switching is a natural and healthy practise. MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES All the intelligences must be worked with. SKILLS Reading and writing mainly although every class should at least dedicate some time to listening and oral production . It´s not necessary to follow the skill procedure commonly used in language classes. ASSESMENT At first stages it is more appropiate to evaluate the content.However, in further stages it is advisable to gradually give more importance to language assesment. This could be done either by evaluating content and language separetly or by elaborating a personal learning portfolio.
NEW TEACHER/STUDENT ROLES IN CLIL From “students receiving knowledge” to….. “…students constructing knowledge” From “Teacher or text as authority “to …. “….students creating meaning” From “Teachers imparting knowldege” to….. “…..teachers encouraging thinking” From “learning should be fun” to…. “….learning should be challenging” From “thinking develops naturally” to…. “….teachers can facilitate thinking”
CHALLENGES IN CLIL Speaking in L2 is difficult and not natural for an L1 class. Many students tend to miss the track and may not pay attention. Teachers have to produce lots of material. It´s difficult to make students participate in L2.
Understanding what they are really trying to implement CLIL CHALLENGES CLIL CHALLENGES FOR: TEACHERS STUDENTS EDUCATION BOARD CLASSROOM Using ITC Tackling with different languages and levels Persuading students Getting resources Using a new language to communicate Getting used to a new way of learning Cooperating with their classmates Understanding what they are really trying to implement CONTENTS Making materials Cooperating with other teachers Assessment Using the new language to study contents LANGUAGE Mastery of language Improving their level of English SCHOOL Convincing the other colleagues of the advantages of the new approach Explaining the advantages of the approach to other classes
GUIDED WRITING RECAP Last lesson we ________________ First we_____________________ Then we_________________________ After that we_________________________ Finally we________________________ We thought the___________would be We learnt that________________________- We would like more of___________________ We would prefer less of_______________
GUIDED WRITING RECAP Last lesson we ________________ First we_____________________ Then we_________________________ After that we_________________________ Finally we________________________ I think I did___, ____,___quite well I´ve learnt that________________________- I think I have to do more of___________________ I think I have to do less of_______________ If I had to do this activity again I would____
Specific characteristics of CLIL Controlled language Free creation VAK Authonomy Generating own materials Interaction Cooperation Skills Intelligences Paraphrasing