Materials and Methods Week 5
Today’s schedule Alternative Methods Part 1 Total Physical Response The Silent Way Community Language Learning Suggestopedia
Methods Grammar Translation Method The Direct Method The Audio-Lingual Method __________________________________ Students couldn’t transfer language outside classroom Noam Chomsky – language acquisition couldn’t take place through habit formation Underlying, abstract rules allow us to speak Cognitive Code Approach
Alternative Approaches/Methods Project Pretend you are a salesperson for the method. Individually or in groups of 2, pick one approach/ method and try to convince the class it’ll be great for our students! Presentations will be 5-7min Feel free to make a PPT, poster, make handouts, etc. Bonus points for creativity (make a skit, do an interview) You must cover The method’s background and theory Design Procedure Any special notes (including it’s popularity and use today)
Rubric Content 30 points Visual Aids 10 points Preparedness 5 points Time (5-7 minutes) +5 points___ =50 points
Sign Up Sheet (10 students, 9 methods/approaches ) Approach/Method Student(s)’ names Total Physical Response Julie The Silent Way Hana Community Language Learning Jessica. Erica Suggestopedia Agnes Whole Language Hannah Multiple Intelligences Hee Jung Yoon(Helen), Jenny Neurolingustic Programming The Lexical Approach Competency-Based L.T
Total physical response
Tpr Harold and Dorothy Palmer Speech directed to young children consists primarily of commands grammar-based (inductive), stimulus- response view
TPR Goal: Teach oral proficiency from the start Right brain learning Stress-free learning Activities include Imperative drills Conversation dialogs Wouldn’t use TPR exclusively
Raise your hand Raise your hand quickly Raise your hand slowly Raise your right hand Raise both hands
The Silent Way The teacher is silent
Fidel chart for learning spelling
Word chart
Cuisenaire Rods
Videos Part 2 Color Chart Part 3 Rods and Word Charts Part 6 Present Perfect
Community language learning
CLL Charles A. Curran, psych. prof. Teacher (counselor) students (clients) Humanistic, engages whole person Language alternation (L1 first, then L2) Explicit linguistic or communicative objectives not defined (topic based)
CLL Language as a social process SARD Security Attention/aggression (show strength) Retention and reflection Discrimination (how things relate to each other)
CLL Teacher is like a nurturing parent Responds calmly, non judgmental Students arranged in a circle Pair work, and group activities used
Suggestopedia Also called desuggestopedia Georgi Lozanov, Bulgarian psychiatrist-educator Highly concerned with arrangement of classroom Music, decorations, art, used No language theory, pseudo-science
Suggestopedia Teacher should be authoritative parent-child relationship between teacher and student Learner’s roles are carefully explained Learning activities include: Q&A, role play, listening activities Focus on emotional texts
Suggestopedia Procedure 1st – oral review section 2nd – new material presented and discussed 3rd – séance or concert session
Whole language
Whole language Arguably an approach, method or belief (book argues it’s an approach) Reading and writing in the native language Importance of meaning and meaning making Learn by doing
Whole language Authentic literature Real and natural events Writing for a real audience Integration of four skills
Whole language Teacher is facilitator, learners are collaborators Focus on: use of literature, process writing, cooperative learning, students’ attitude Criticism: rejection of ESL approach, applying native-language principles to ESL
Multiple intelligences
Multiple intelligences Howard Gardner All humans have all intelligences but people differ in their strengths Eight native “intelligences”: linguistic, logical, spatial, musical, kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, natural
MI Language is to be integrated with music, bodily activity, interpersonal relationships No linguistic goals of MI Basic sequence: awaken, amplify, teach with/for, transfer
MI Is applied to classrooms in a variety of ways (e.g. language corners, modifying activities) Not prescriptive for teachers Helps students become more well-rounded