Millennium Development Goals In July 2007, half way through this task, we pray that the world leaders will continue to work together to achieve these goals and make the world a fairer place for everyone. In the year 2000 world leaders agreed to eight goals to help halve world poverty by the year 2015.
Jesus said, “I have come to bring Good News to the poor” We are called to be like Jesus. We are called to bring good news to the poor. We can share what we have with those who have less. Jesus, help me to share with others today. Response “Lord, help us to build a fairer world.” Goal 1: Help people who are poor and hungry
Goal 2: School for all children A wise man wrote in the Old Testament, 'Listen to instruction and learn to be wise'. Thank you, God, that I can go to school and learn to be wise. Please bless all the children in the world who cannot go to school. Response “Lord, help us to build a fairer world.”
Goal 3: Be fair to girls In some countries today, girls are not given the same opportunities as boys. St Paul described us together as the Body of Christ. He said that each part of the Body should be treated as well as any other part. Lord, help me to treat fairly everyone I meet today. Response “Lord, help us to build a fairer world.”
Jesus laid his hands on little children and blessed them. Many children in poor countries are likely to have only a short life. God our Father, we thank you for your gift of life. We pray that children everywhere may be given all that they need to live long and happy lives. Response “Lord, help us to build a fairer world.” Goal 4: Look after babies and children!
Goal 5: Keep mums healthy! Our mothers give us life and look after us, just as Mary looked after Jesus. Some children in places like Nigeria never know their mothers. Lord, thank you for my family and all those who look after me. Help me today to think of a way to show them that I care. Response “Lord, help us to build a fairer world.”
There are some terrible diseases in poor countries where people cannot afford to buy medicine. Jesus healed the sick and he asks us to build a world where people can find healing. Holy Spirit, inspire us to be your healing hands for other people today and always. Response “Lord, help us to build a fairer world.” Goal 6: More doctors, nurses and medicines
Goal 7: Take care of our environment God created the world “and indeed it was very good”. God wanted us to live in a beautiful place. But some parts of the world are no longer beautiful. Some of our sisters and brothers live in slums; some have no clean water and some forests are being destroyed. Today, Lord, I will try to notice the beauty around me. Thank you for the earth. Response “Lord, help us to build a fairer world.”
The prophet Micah said, “Act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with your God”. The nations of the world are trying to act justly by promising to help poor countries. They have promised to work together to achieve eight Millennium Development Goals. Lord God, please bless all the world’s leaders. May they work hard to help the poorest peoples of the world. Response “Lord, help us to build a fairer world.” Goal 8: Work together
Millennium Development Goals Photos by Annie Bungeroth, Simon Rawles, Sean Spraque, Jon Spaul and Kate Stanworth.