Energy Evolved Thanasi Tsardidis Anthony Adam Richard Brizan
Agenda Current State Types of Energies Transitions Best Sources Effects on Economy What you can do Conclusion
Current State Oil and Gas are finite World is using more than it’s discovering Currently Consume 84.5 million barrels/day Increasing energy needs from China and India R&D in new types of energy
Kilo/Mega/Giga/Tera Watts! 1 KW = 1 Thousand Watts 1 MW = 1 Million Watts 1 GW = 1 Billion Watts 1 TW = 1 Trillion Watts
Current Consumption Country KWh/Ye ar KWh/Mo nth KWh/Da y Qatar249, Iceland136, United Arab Emirates123, Bahrain119, Luxembourg109, Netherlands Antilles107, Kuwait105, Trinidad and Tobago99, Canada96, United States91, Brunei Darussalam87, Finland84,
Power Example MacBook Pro: Rating 58 Watts Desktop:300 Watts KWh/year 508 $0.15/KWh $76.21 $392.20
Levelised Energy Cost - LEC Economic assessment Includes all costs over lifetime of a project Initial Investment Operations Maintenance Cost of Fuel Cost of Capital LEC = Break-even point
EROI Energy Return On Investment – (cumulative electricity generated) / (cumulative primary energy required) If EROI is >1 than production is profitable
Types of Energies
Solar Solar cells convert sunlight into energy Live in California Avg. Monthly electric bill: $80 Cost associated with 50% savings: $10,365 Payoff Period: Years
Solar EROI Solar LEC Between $ $0.25 Power satellite 2.0 Power tower 4.2 Photovoltaics 1.7 to 10.0
The Power Of Moving Water Using turbines to generate electricity
Water EROI Energy Return on Investment Water LEC Between $ $0.14
Wind Energy To make electricity, the shaft of the turbine must be connected to an electrical generator. Through gearboxes, the generator converts the mechanical energy of the spinning turbine shaft into electricity.
Wind Energy EROI 18.1:1 Energy Return on Investment Wind Energy LEC Between $ $0.13
Biomass Energy Renewable is considered in human lifespan Wood, Cellulose, Ethanol, Blogas
Biomass EROI Biomass LEC Between $ $0.14 Ethanol (sugercane) 0.8 to 1.7 Ethanol (corn) 1.3 Ethanol (corn residues) 0.7 to 1.8 Methanol (wood) 2.6
Geothermal Energy Power Extracted from heat within the Earth
Geothermal EROI Geothermal LEC Between $ $0.11 Liquid dominated 4.0 Hot dry rock 1.9 to 13.0
Geothermal Video
LEC Comparisons
Company Transitions Horse and Carriage Blacksmith Commercial Stables Oil Companies Automobile Auto Repair Gas Station Alternative Energy Providers
KEMA Utility of the Future is an umbrella for the transition in the energy industry's business models, technology platforms, and industry structure that will occur as a result of renewable technologies, smart grid, and increasing decentralization of all aspects of energy production and delivery
KEMA Energy Transition Wind Integration Electric Vehicles Energy Storage
Co-firing bio mass with Coal 20% Renewable Bio Mas 20% Coal Input Reduced Emissions
BMW Transition Most expensive hybrid $100,000 Price tag 480 HP Most powerful hybrid Battery runs at 60km/h
BMW Video
Government Shifts USA – Increase US Corporate Fuel Economy standards – Cash Incentives for Solar Panels – LA banning coal by 2020 Canada – 2 billion to carbon capture – BC Carbon tax
Government Shifts India – Water harvesting – Efficient transit systems – Solar Energy China – Automobile fuel standards – Largest solar-powered buliding – Investing in biofuels
Market Shifts Google and Solar Power Europe’s Super Grid Suncor: Oil Sands to Wind and Bio Energy
Google Investments in thin-film solar cells Develop new technology – Reduce cost by 50 percent – Production of heliostats – Acquired solar tech companies Waiting for FTC approval
Europe & the Supergrid European Commission 2020 plan Sustainable growth Reduce carbon emissions to 20% of 1990 level Upgrade to European supergrid Create 600,000 new jobs Increase GDP by 0.6 to 0.8%
Europe & the Supergrid Grid developed by Airtricity and ABB Carry power from Eastern Europe to the UK Connected to wind farms Wind farms down time – Transport power – Improve energy market
Suncor Energy Inc Canadian energy company Specialized in synthetic crude oil from oil sands Using those profits and investing in renewable energy – Wind farms – Ethanol Plant
Suncor Energy Inc Reduce impact of Oil Fields $1 billion to improve water and air conditions Working UofA researchers Improving efficiencies Upgrading plants in Edmonton and Fort MacMurray
Suncor Energy Inc Wind farms Four across Canada Combined 147 megawatts annually Reduce 284,000 tonnes of CO 2 emissions New power initiative goal
Suncor Energy Inc Ethanol Plant – Located in Ontario 200 million litres of ethanol 46 full-time jobs $120 million expansion
Conclusion Renewable energies – Profitable – Better for environment – Meet demand for energy More push for renewable energies and development Become less reliant on oil and coal
Energy Evolved Questions? Thanks, Thanasi Tsardidis Anthony Adam Richard Brizan