123  We are dependent on fossil fuels for many of the things we use. This includes cooking, air-cons, electricity and transport.


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Presentation transcript:


 We are dependent on fossil fuels for many of the things we use. This includes cooking, air-cons, electricity and transport

 Does burning fossil fuels have any impact on the environment ?  Burning fossil fuels causes CO2 (and other gases) to be released into the atmosphere  A combination of burning fossil fuels and cutting down trees has led to a 35% increase in CO2 in the atmosphere since the start of the industrial revolution

What could happen to Brunei?

A measure of how much you contribute to global warming

 Which of these countries has the highest carbon footprint in total? A. Qatar B. United State of America C. Kuwait D. China

 Which of these countries has the highest carbon footprint per person? A. Qatar B. United State of America C. Kuwait D. China

 Which of these is NOT a fossil fuel A. Coal B. Oil C. Wind D. Gas

 Which of the following items will NOT reduce your carbon footprint A. Driving more slowly on the highway B. Beach clean-up by picking up litter C. Changing air-con temperature from 16 to 24 D. Buying locally grown vegetables

 Which of the following are TRUE? A. Air conditioning an office for 1 extra hour a day uses enough energy in a month to power a TV for over a year B. A 100W light bulb left on for just 30 minutes creates enough CO2 to fill a party balloon C. A photocopier left on standby overnight wastes enough energy to make 30 cups of tea D. All of the above are true Source: carbon trust

School bus Water Using Car Electricity Flights Cooking Gas Why do different families have different carbon footprints?

 Use the worksheet “Dinner at the Rahman” family.  Circle statements in the story which you think contributes to the family’s carbon footprint  Then, using the table on the back of the worksheet think about which of these things can be reduced.  [15 mins]

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Electricity Flights Car Water School Bus Gas Motorbike Aircon How can you reduce your footprint