Welcome to Hope Fellowship Church Our Mission: “To know the triune God in the person of Jesus Christ and to make Him known.”


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Hope Fellowship Church Our Mission: “To know the triune God in the person of Jesus Christ and to make Him known.”

Come Thou Fount of every blessing Tune my heart to sing Thy grace Streams of mercy never ceasing Call for songs of loudest praise

Teach me some melodious sonnet Sung by flaming tongues above Praise the mount, I'm fixed upon it Mount of Thy redeeming love

Here I raise my Ebenezer Hither by Thy help I come And I hope, by Thy good pleasure, Safely to arrive at home

Jesus sought me when a stranger Wandering from the fold of God He to rescue me from danger, Interposed His precious blood

Oh to grace how great a debtor Daily I'm constrained to be Let Thy goodness like a fetter Bind my wandering heart to Thee

Prone to wander Lord I feel it Prone to leave the God I love Here's my heart O take and seal it Seal it for Thy courts above

Here's my heart O take and seal it Seal it for Thy courts above

David Crowder | John Wyeth | Robert Robinson © 2002 worshiptogether.com songs (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing) sixsteps Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing) CCLI License #

Have Thine own way Lord Have Thine own way Thou art the Potter I am the clay

Mould me and make me After Thy will While I am waiting Yielded and still

Have Thine own way Lord Have Thine own way Search me and try me Master today

Whiter than snow Lord Wash me just now As in Thy presence Humbly I bow

Have Thine own way Lord Have Thine own way Wounded and weary Help me I pray

Power all power Surely is Thine Touch me and heal me Savior divine

Have Thine own way Lord Have Thine own way Hold o'er my being Absolute sway

Fill with Thy Spirit Till all shall see Christ only always Living in me

Christ only always Living in me

CCLI Song # Adelaide Addison Pollard | George Coles Stebbins Public Domain CCLI License #

Life is easy When you're up on the mountain And you've got peace of mind Like you've never known

But then things change And you're down in the valley Don't lose faith child For you’re never alone

For the God on the mountain Is still God in the valley When things go wrong He'll make it right

And the God of the good times Is still God in the bad times The God of day Is still God in the night

You talk of faith when You're up on the mountain Oh, but the talk comes easy When life's at its best

But it’s down in the valley Of trials and temptations That's when faith is Really put to the test

For the God on the mountain Is still God in the valley When things go wrong He'll make it right

And the God of the good times Is still God in the bad times The God of day Is still God in the night

For the God on the mountain Is still God in the valley When things go wrong He'll make it right

And the God of the good times Is still God in the bad times The God of day Is still God in the night

The God of the day, Is still God in the night.

© 1976 Gaviota Music ARR UBP of Manna Music, Inc. (35255 Brooten Road, Pacific City, OR 97135) Tracy Dartt CCLI License No

Our beloved Father Please come down and meet us We are waiting on Your touch

Open up the heavens Shower down Your Presence We respond to Your great love

We won't be satisfied with Anything ordinary We won't be satisfied at all

Open up the sky Fall down like rain We don't want blessings We want You

Open up the sky Fall down like fire We don't want anything but You

Our beloved Jesus We just want to see You In the glory of Your light

Earthly things don't matter They just fade and shatter When we're touched by love divine

We won't be satisfied with Anything ordinary We won't be satisfied at all

Open up the sky Fall down like rain We don't want blessings We want You

Open up the sky Fall down like fire We don't want anything but You

Here we go let's go to the throne The place that we belong Right into His arms

We won't be satisfied with Anything ordinary We won't be satisfied at all

Open up the sky Fall down like rain We don't want blessings We want You

Open up the sky Fall down like fire We don't want anything but You

Our beloved Father Please come down and meet us We are waiting on Your touch

© 2008 Integrity's Praise! Music Jonathan Stockstill CCLI License No


I have searched to find The meaning of this life, Something that would Fill my empty soul

Some believe a lie, Choose darkness over light But I will stand And let the whole world know

I choose Jesus, I choose Jesus The One who first chose me

I stand unashamed Trusting in one Name ‘Cause I have seen the cross And I believe

His choice comes at a cost All other things are lost No other love can mean So much to me

I choose Jesus, I choose Jesus The One who first chose me I choose Jesus, I choose Jesus For now and eternity

He chose to love me When I felt unloveable He chose to reach me when I felt Unreachable

He carried me out of my fear and doubt I want The world to know I choose Jesus

I choose Jesus, I choose Jesus The One who first chose me I don’t want anyone but you My Jesus

I choose Jesus, I choose Jesus For now and eternity For now and eternity

Written by: WOOD, TONY / PETERS, MORIAH / BUTLER, CHUCK / CASH, ED; Lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC