What you will learn: 1.Color wheel & color schemes 2.Human body proportions iMove
Primary Colors PRIMARY means “first”. These colors are the ones that must come first before any other colors from the color wheel can be created. Primary colors cannot be mixed to be created by any other colors.
Secondary Colors A primary color + a primary color = a Secondary color
Tertiary (or intermedi ate) Colors A primary Color + and Secondary Color = a Tertiary (or intermediate) Color
The 6 Tertiary colors: Red-orange Yellow-orange Yellow-green Blue-green Blue-violet Red-violet
Neutrals Colors that are not found on the color wheel such as white, black, gray, brown
Hue: The actual color, or the identity of a color, such as red. The name of the color Color property
Intensity: The brightness or dullness (grayness) of a color its strength, saturation, purity... the "noise" it makes. Color property
Value: The lightness or darkness of a color Different values of a color ranging from very light to very dark (tints and shades). Color property
Tint Shade = a color plus white = a color plus black
Tints and shades
Tone: Adding its complement to a hue makes it more neutral or gray. Color property
Warm Colors Cool Colors Temperature
A few Color Schemes: Primary Secondary Tertiary/Intermediate Warm/cool Monochromatic Analogous Complementary Triadic
Monochromatic Mono = one, single,... as in monorail Chroma = color thus monochromatic = One color. One color plus tints and shades.
Analogous Colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. Colors with a family resemblance. Analogous colors will have some of the same primary color; ex. yellow, yellow- orange, and orange, or blue, blue- green, and green etc. Analogous will always mix well.
Complementary Colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel; ex. red and green, violet and yellow, yellow-green and red-violet etc. If mixed together in near equal amounts, complements make a neutral color. If a little of a hue’s complement is mixed in with it, the result will be a dulling or neutralizing of that hues intensity.
Complementary: red and green
Triadic: 3 colors that are equally spaced. The most famous of these is the primary triad... red, yellow, and blue. Triadic harmonies are most effective if only one color is allowed to dominate.
Monochromatic: tints and shades of red
Triadic OR Secondary: orange, purple, green
Andy Warhol Leader of the Pop Art Movement Pop Art : , art that depicts everyday objects, popular things, commercialism
In 2006, an Andy Warhol wig has sold for $10,800 at a recent film and entertainment auction by Christie's. The silver mop that was worn by Warhol also came with three pieces of toupee tape still stuck inside it.
Biography “Andrew Warhola” was born in 1928 in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. His parents were immigrants from Czechloslovakia. He later moved to New York where he started his art career. As a child he went to the Carnegie Museum’s free lessons and started his love for art. He was admitted at age 16 to the Carnegie Institute of Technology. After college he became a professional commerical artist.
In the 1960’s Warhol’s first “Pop” screen prints were made… he became famous! Andy did other types of art too: like film- making, interior design, and painting. He started The Factory, which is a building…. Andy’s work still shows all around the world today. He was shot by an insane female friend Andy Warhol died in 1987 after a routine gall bladder surgery. The surgery went fine, but he died the next morning in the hospital from heart arrhythmia. “One theory is that Warhol was so scared of hospitals and surgery that he literally was scared to death”
He made art of lots of famous celebrities at that time like Marilyn Monroe, Elvis, Mao, and Jackie O (every American would know and love these people)
His art of popular ITEMS like Campbells Soup and Brillo pads also are still famous today. EVERYDAY objects And popular imagery (things that all Americans know)
* Use bright colors and certain color schemes just like Andy Warhol * Repetition--- you will be making 6 squares and repeating them to make a pattern
Proportions Size relationships or the ratio of measurements Our bodies have many proportions: Average person: 7.5 heads tall Shoulders are 2 heads wide Our waist is exactly 1/2 way between our head and toes If our arms are by our side, our fingers lay 1/2 way between our hips and knees If our arms are stretched out they are the same length (fingertip to fingertip) as your height Interesting fact: the length from your wrist to elbow is the same as the length of your foot. Practice drawing on your next notes page!!
Silhouette = An outline filled with solid color The English people call them “shades” like a shadow. Artists would cut paper silhouettes as a portrait for people.
* Started in the Stone Age (cave paintings show animals in silhouettes) * Greeks also used them in their art.
Silhouettes today: Think… iPod
ACTION poses
Check out those poses! Fills the space! Goes off 3 edges!
How can you use your arms and legs to show an interesting pose? Remember we should see both legs and arms for the best view!!
Project Directions: You will have a picture taken of yourself in an action pose that best describes your personality.
Project Directions: You will also bring in an object or a picture of something that represents yourself
Your final painting MUST have: 1. Your body in an action pose (go off at least 2 edges). Use correct proportions 2. An object that represents you 3. A color scheme of your choice (primary, secondary, triadic, monochromatic, complementary, analogous, neutral)