RIDGE VALLEY SCHOOL LEARNING PROGRAMME Implementation of the Learn Today Learning Programme
Our Philosophy The Ridge Valley School recognizes that all children are gifted, talented and have diverse learning styles. The school’s overarching purpose is to help students in the areas of analytical thinking, communication, research, spiritual awareness, self-management and social skills so that they become independent learners for life.
SCHOOL CURRICULUM AcademicNon Academic EnglishArt MathematicsIndian Music ScienceWestern Music Social StudiesPhysical Education Sanskrit from Grade 4Indian Dance HindiWestern Dance Information TechnologyTheatre
Visit to the Garden of Five Senses
Wholistic Actualisation of Potential Types of Potential CerebralSocialEmotionalPhysicalSpiritual 6
Actualising Cerebral Potential Ability to learn, reason and create RememberingUnderstandingApplication Analysis and critical thinking Creativity
Learning through experiments
Actualising Social Potential Learning to live and interact with people around us Positive personal relationships Effective Communication Trust and belief in the goodness of others Desire to help, altruism and outreach Sense of identity within social group
Community Connect
Actualising Emotional Potential Understanding of the self Sense of self worth, self belief and self confidence Personal control and discipline Motivation from within Enthusiasm and varied interests and passions Ability to dream
Peer Partner Learning
Actualising Physical Potential Taking care of the physical self Personal care and hygiene Physically active habits and pursuit of some sport Healthy practices – dietary, exercise Sexual and reproductive health Confidence with one’s body and gender
Actualising Spiritual Potential Understanding one’s place in the universe Compassion and respect for all Living in coherence with nature Joy through beauty and aesthetics Respect for the spiritual beliefs of others Ability to find peace within oneself
Spiritual Well-Being
The Watermarks Compassion Respect Rigour Responsibility Resourcefulness Creativity Motivation Choice Competency Development Leading edge learning technologies Coherence with Nature Essential ValuesAesthetics 16 Threads
Developing Multiple Intelligences Logical mathematical LinguisticVisual spatialKinaestheticMusicalIntrapersonalInterpersonalNaturalistic
Being with Nature
Connected Learning Learners StudentsTeachers CommunitySocietyFriendsFamily The world outside
Pedagogies for Early Years Readiness Activities Developing habits of the mind Life Skills Moving from Pre- literacy to literacy Moving from pre- numeracy to numeracy Kinaesthetic Learning Drama, Role Play Structured and Unstructured play Messy activities Visual Spatial Learning Art, craft, sculpture Manipulatives Physical and Natural Environment Understanding of development in the early years Needs of the child – social, emotional, physical, safety
Physical and Natural Environment