From Earth to the Universe is an exhibition that endeavors to bring beautiful images of the cosmos to non- traditional venues such as public parks and gardens, art museums, shopping malls and metro stations. Scalability: Based on funding availability, hosting organizations may select their level of exhibit: Platinum ( ~$250k+, >100 images) Gold (~$25-50k, images) Silver (~$2-10k, images ) Kim Kowal Arcand IntroIntro
Plans are in place to have a prototype FETTU outdoor exhibition at Albert Dock in Liverpool, UK (7th to 29th June 2008), that will showcase approximately 75 large images of astronomical objects. The prototype has secured principal sponsorship from Science Photo Library & ASTRONET. By undertaking this “dry run”, more information will soon be provided to local organizers for conducting their own FETTU exhibits. P ro to ty p e
TIMELINE January 2008: Preliminary image selection. Implementation outline development. [Complete] March 2008: Call for final additional images for IYA2009 exhibition to core selection from prototype. [Complete] April 2008: Details of Liverpool prototype are configured: Selection of images, layout, events, publicity outline. [Complete] May-June 2008: Final aspects of Liverpool prototype are cemented. “Lessons learned” from Liverpool shared as revealed. Modifications to plan, if necessary, are made. Newly revised plan circulated. June : Public “prototype” exhibition of astronomical images in Liverpool, UK July-October 2008: Identification of sites for all levels of image exhibition made. Local organizers contact venues, possible funding sources, potential commercial outlets to produce the exhibit. Local organizers identify specific times for image exhibition to appear. If exhibits are to travel, schedules are generated. Agreements between site locations, funding sources, and local organizers/appropriate IYA entities are made. Fall 2008: Production of image exhibitions in various locations. Advertising and publicity of exhibits begins. Plans for educational and other activities proceed. 2009: Image exhibits begin appearing around the world. T i m el in e
Sustainability: Exhibitions could continue to be produced with the raw materials provided. With the correct handling and shipping, exhibits could be sent to multiple locations over several years. If funding can be secured, we envision the FETTU exhibits from IYA2009 could travel to sites throughout the United States. FETTU could be a project that extends into the next decade. TrailerTrailer