BACKGROUND Corporate Fundraising for Yayasan Autisme Indonesia (YAI) Children with autism require expensive treatments which include special kinds of food and nutrition. YAI tries to support children whose families can’t afford these costs, however lack of funding also limits their efforts. An effective monetary solution would be to submit proposals to the CSR programs of large corporations. However, most big companies have many other items on their CSR agendas, and autism is often not regarded to be as urgent, direct or tangible as other causes.
In order to convince corporations to allocate their CSR budget into helping autistic children, we target companies which main market segment has an age demographic most similar to the children supported by YAI. One of these companies are preserved-snack manufacturers. Examples include Garuda Food, Orang Tua Group, Indofood-Fritolay, Mayora, etc. WHAT TO DO?
WHO ARE WE TALKING TO? Manufacturers of preserved snacks with children as a large consumer segment. BEHAVIOR These companies produce snacks that are consumed in vast amounts by Indonesian kids (not necessarily autistic), yet their ingredients actually contain very little nutrition that growing children need. CULTURAL FUEL What product labels or packaging say can make an enormous difference to consumers. Labels like ‘HALAL’, ‘NO ADDITIONAL MSG’ and ‘NATURAL INGREDIENTS’ make a huge difference on product packages that consumers buy. In fact, often wordplay is used in packaging to convey that a food product is healthier than it really is.
INSIGHT Snacks with preservatives, especially MSG, suffer a widely negative reputation for having no nutritional value and are often believed to have harmful effects on children’s health and mental development. STRATEGY Create a ‘reward’ for preserved-food manufacturers who have donated nutrition funds for autistic children, which will help boost their sales and brand image by repairing their ‘unhealthy’ stigma. IDEA YAI builds and sustains the public perception that “Your company supports the nourishment of children.”
ACT A certified message to consumers that the company supports the nourishment of children.
EXECUTION YAI issues the Peduli Anak Bergizi label, which may be used in snack packaging with the legal approval of BPOM (therefore ensuring valid credibility). When a company donates funds to YAI that will be used to supply the actual nutritious food required by autistic children, YAI (with the government and BPOM) permits them to use this label on their own products. YAI will socialize the Peduli Anak Bergizi logo/act in separate events held by the foundation: in expos, walks for autism, seminars, and other fund-raising activities. It is not mandatory for the companies themselves to raise a budget for future events or activities to support this act, although they are free to amplify Peduli Anak Bergizi for their own CSR and media coverage. A small budget from YAI will be enough to supply information about Peduli Anak Bergizi through their already existing activities and basic promotional materials. (eg. website, flyers, badges, banners, brochures, radio, etc.)
PROPOSAL We address a formally written business proposal for Peduli Anak Bergizi to the board of directors in the snack corporations, with the proposal’s cover resembling a magazine cover with striking news headlines. Copy: SNACKS CURE AUTISM THE DECISION IS YOURS.
WHAT MAKES THIS ACT EFFECTIVE? This idea opens many possibilities for action. Peduli Anak Bergizi can be used as a platform for different companies to start their own non-profit events and activities, which will generate more funds. The challenge in autism fundraising has always been how to keep it both appealing and sustainable. By offering corporations a positive brand image (via a label on their packaging) in exchange for CSR budgets, they will get a tangible reward which improves consumers’ perceptions of their products, contributing to more sales. This act can run nationwide with minimum budget from YAI (just for basic promotional materials that serve to associate the foundation with the act). Simple. Doable. Profitable.