Chaitanya Charan Das has done his Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering from the Govt College of Engg, Pune. He subsequently served as a software engineer in a multinational software company, Patni Computer Systems. He also secured 2350 out of 2400 in the GRE exam, bagging the top rank in Maharashtra. Seeing the prevalent problems of stress, depression, addiction and overall misdirection - all caused by a lack of spirituality, he felt inspired to dedicate his life to the cause of jnana daan, offering systematic spiritual education, under the aegis of ISKCON. He is the associate-editor of the global spiritual magazine, Back to Godhead He has conducted seminars at various reputed educational institutes all over India including IITs and NITs as well as leading MNCs like Tech Mahindra. He has presented papers as an invited ISKCON delegate at national and international conferences, including World Peace Conference 2006 and World Peace Congress 2008 organized by UNESCO. He runs an international cyber magazine called ‘The Spiritual Scientist’, which gives a scientific presentation of Vedic philosophy. His writings have been published in newspapers like Times of India (in the Speaking Tree Column), Indian Express, Economic Times, Hindustan Times, and The Maharashtra Herald as well as global spiritual magazines including Back to Godhead. His writings in English have been translated into several foreign languages including German, Romanian and Chinese and several Indian languages including Kannada, Telgu, Bengali, Hindi and Marathi. He is the author of six books including ENERGY – Your Sutra for Positive Thinking, Science and Spirituality and ‘The Spiritual Scientist’ series, volumes 1 & 2. Seminar Presenter : Chaitanya Charan das
- Identity - Divinity - Eternity - Activity
- Cultivate Smart E xpectations - N ip comparing mentality in the bud; cherish your uniqueness - Fix your E yes on real success - Be R esolute; transcend worldly opinions and passions - Be G rateful for the gifts of God - Say Y es to God with faith The ENERGY sutra
Smart Expectation: HOTEL vs HOSPITAL
Unreasonable Expectation: I AM THE CONTROLLER
- Cultivate Smart E xpectations - N ip comparing mentality in the bud; cherish your uniqueness - Fix your E yes on real success - Be R esolute; transcend worldly opinions and passions - Be G rateful for the gifts of God - Say Y es to God with faith The ENERGY sutra
Nip Comparing Mentality in the bud FERN vs BAMBOO Fern Bamboo Height Time
Compare with yourself and take inspirations from others Everybody is unique in his thoughts, behavior, personalities & nature Give up unhealthy Comparisons
- Cultivate Smart E xpectations - N ip comparing mentality in the bud; cherish your uniqueness - Fix your E yes on real success - Be R esolute; transcend worldly opinions and passions - Be G rateful for the gifts of God - Say Y es to God with faith The ENERGY sutra
Wrong Definition of Success: 100 m sprint vs 100 km marathon LIFE is a PROCESS not a PRODUCT
- Cultivate Smart E xpectations - N ip comparing mentality in the bud; cherish your uniqueness - Fix your E yes on real success - Be R esolute; transcend worldly opinions and passions - Be G rateful for the gifts of God - Say Y es to God with faith The ENERGY sutra
Don't try to satisfy everyone !
Be Resolute: It's NOT between you and them, it's between YOU and the GOD! If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfishness and ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
- Cultivate Smart E xpectations - N ip comparing mentality in the bud; cherish your uniqueness - Fix your E yes on real success - Be R esolute; transcend worldly opinions and passions - Be G rateful for the gifts of God - Say Y es to God with faith The ENERGY sutra
Appreciate God's blessings: If you are not grateful, then you are a GREAT FOOL ! ! !
Appreciate GOD's blessings: Ungratefulness is created by the Advertising Industry Their aim is to create the needs and let people feel that they lack their products
- Cultivate Smart E xpectations - N ip comparing mentality in the bud; cherish your uniqueness - Fix your E yes on real success - Be R esolute; transcend worldly opinions and passions - Be G rateful for the gifts of God - Say Y es to God with faith The ENERGY sutra
O God, please give me the strength to change the things that I can change, the endurance to accept the things that I cannot, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Physical Quotient - Prasad Intelligence Quotient - Svadhyaya Emotional Quotient - Satsang Spiritual Quotient - Sadhna
It's not just the small morsel of sweet handed out after religious rituals, It's the MERCY of the LORD.
Real intelligence is not just the ability to process information. Intelligence is the ability to discriminate between the short- term and the long- term, the material and the spiritual and the harmful and the beneficial.
Real satsang is the association of those who have sadachara. The ability to responsibly manage our own emotions and maturely respond to the emotions of others comes by observing and imbibing the example of selfless saints
Our daily spiritual discipline, sadhana, rejuvenates us through contact with God and helps us stay focused on our life's goals - spiritual and material The easiest and most effective sadhana in the current cosmic age is chanting of the holy names of God