WorkPlan Improve Postharvest Practices on Vegetables in Cambodia EM HUY Deputy chief MSc. Agricultural Resources and Economic Consultancy experiences: ADB project: National Postharvest/Marketing Specialist WB Project: National Rural Livelihood Specialist
Rationale Why need to promote best postharvest practices ? Status of current mis-practices of postharvest Severe situation of Fresh produces being contaminated, Situation that consumers pay for unwanted hazards coming along with fresh produces purchased.
Objectives To promote best postharvest practices to producers and marketers, To help improve safety and quality of vegetables for consumption, To help gain more value added from fresh produces marketed
Expected Outputs Progress indicators ActivitiesTimetable/ duration Inputs/Resourc es BudgetRespons ible Persons At least 10 farmers and 10 marketers apply the knowledge transferred copies of Postharvest Practice manual - 30 vegetable farmers and 20 marketers -Permission from Dept - Design the training modules of postharvest Practice, - Get the training manual copied - Select target locations and places for training (Svay BraTeal and Kien Svay, Kandal province) - Mobile trainees - Print out training materials, posters, and postcards 15 July – 30 August, PC, printer, motorcar/car - Two support staffs 1400 (for only gasoline and copy) Em Huy - 2 trainings (50 trainees) - 25 trainees for each training - Provide training to the selected trainees 2 days (two times) in September, Motorcare/car - Papers, notebook, pens, pencils, markers, flipcharts, trainee bags, PC, printer, LCD projector, snack, and lunch, - Two support staffs 850$ (PC, printer, LCD projector excluded) Em Huy Result and Report - 2 times of follow-up - 1 report - Follow-up - Make a final report September to October, 2012 motorcar/car, PC, printer, papers, camera 100$ (for only gasoline) Em Huy Total estimated budget (USD)2,350.00
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