Region of Prešov and it’s monuments Veronika Petrušková 2.D
Wooden chapels in Svidník century built without nails surrounded by low wooden fence with place for getting in = wicket door each chapel has 3 towers increasing to west, it symbolizes The Trinty with their own bell tower mainly interior is full of paintings with religious character
Bardejov Built in 1241 situated on business crossroad prefered by ugrian monarchs a lot of literae patentes Many middle age monuments such as bastions, Jewish synagogue, hangman’s house,…
St. Egidia Basilica
Town hall, cloistered bastion, hangman’s house
Levoča centre = Master Pavol’s square there are located very important monuments. Very polular is st. Jakub’s church with famous wooden Master Pavol’s altar. With its 18,62 meters it’s the biggest altar in the world. It’s from 16. century and it’s made from limewood. other monuments: Master Pavol’s house, town hall with arcads, evangelistic church, cage of shame
Most popular places
Spišská kapitula Originally an independent village Today a cultural reservation It has religious character because it was built around the church in 17. century was surrounded by stone hedge and became a town from 1948 it became a part of Spišské Podhradie about 300 citizens has only one street with houses on both sides and gate at each end the dominant cultural statement is The St. Martin’s Cathedral
The St. Martin’s Cathedral
The museum of Andy Warhol, Medzilaborce Andy Warhol = key figure in Pop Art a painter, writer, music producer, avant-garde filmmaker, magazine creator, sculptor, and photographer he was fascinated with all forms of media icon of commercial art in New York
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