Chhuet and Tevy are on a mission to share the Gospel but they have a major obstacle – their marriage. So the first issue is dowry. In Cambodia a man pays.


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Presentation transcript:

Chhuet and Tevy are on a mission to share the Gospel but they have a major obstacle – their marriage. So the first issue is dowry. In Cambodia a man pays dowry to the parents of the girl he marries as a demonstration that he is financially capable of providing for her. A Dowry also is financial security and a way a girl can repay her parents for giving her life and raising her. The second issue is the Taboo with their age. It is taboo (curse) to marry in the year of a decade birthday. Both Chhuet and Tevy are turning 30. They must marry before Khmer New Year in mid-April 2015 or wait till after New Year in Tevy and Chhuet will respect their parent’s beliefs and superstition’s even though they don’t share them because to not do so would be considered as cursing their parents. They are seeking to honour and obey their parents as is their culture and also as a witness of God’s love. Introduction to Chhuet and Tevy Tevy and Chhuet both teach in a Christian school in Phnom Penh Monday to Friday as a part of Agape Mission. They attend University on Saturday and Sunday. Tevy is studying Accounting and Chhuet is doing his Masters in English. They live outside Phnom Penh, each in a small house (1 room) next door to each other. Chhuet teaches English to young students at night (mostly free of charge). Tevy lives with a roommate and her young nephew from the provinces lives Monday to Friday with Chhuet so he can attend school. They attend New Life Church on Sunday Evenings in Phnom Penh. Chhuet states, “There is no good news reaching my community because they are in rural area therefore I want to have my own Christian school and also a small church at my community in the future in order to spread the good news of God to the people there; moreover, I want to help the poor children to have a chance to study like the kids we are helping these days. Finally, I’m so grateful to God for his salvation, love and grace toward me…I wish you the best in your life and overflow with the grace of God; besides please God provide everything you need and happiness in your family. ” Supporting Chhuet and Tevy Prayer, give this couple to God and pray with them for God to provide the dowry money before April Through donation, Bpay to DBC account referenced to Cambodia, or place in an envelope in offering, be sure to mark it Cambodia. Bank Details: BSB A/C No Donating goods for a Garage Sale or Boot Sale Support fundraisers by being active in helping to run a fundraiser or through participation.

DBC as part of God’s mission are choosing to come alongside this couple and meet them at their needs. What they need financially is $4000 Australian before April What they also need is love and care, to feel seen and heard by those who can make a difference. Yes they know the freedom of Christ and they live their lives in the love and hope of Christ but they are also constrained by their culture, family background of Buddhism and their own poverty. We are asking you as a part of God’s family to join with them and to give in such a way as to bring liberation, they need love with works (James 2:14-26). We believe our God has a plan for Tevy and Chhuet. They are asking God for a miracle. As a church we are asking God to do a miraculous work in us and give us the ability, resources and generous hearts to raise this money in what seems to Chhuet and Tevy’s families, impossible. We want DBC partners to see an opportunity to bless someone, an opportunity that God has laid before us to declare to a Buddhist cultured family that our God is the greatest provider and He hears the cries of His children. Tevy says, “One day when Sinath is preaching about God’s words. He talking about Matthews 21:33-46, John 3:16 that is how much God love me. Since that day I started to pray to God and asked come to my heart and asked him to forgive all of my sins. I open my heart to be God’s servant and asked him to change my character. After I received God into my heart he changes everything that I had before. He give me new life, and I got baptize in March, 8, 2010 with other believers we became a big family in Christ we love, share, help, encourage each other. DBC “The spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor… Isaiah 61:1 I have a big heart and here what I and Chheut want in the future. I would like to have one school in my our village and also a church for worship God. I want to help my community to teach them and protect them keep them safe - no trafficking in our country. I want to share about the word of God to other people and love them.” For Further Information Contact: Wenz Deb Discovery Baptist Church Meets Sunday 9.30am at ‘The Space’ Cnr Lakefield Dr & Endeavour Bld Northlakes. Qld 4509 Website: