Tragic Hero What is a tragic hero?
Characteristics – Part 1 Main character in a tragedy Makes an error in his or her actions that leads to downfall – TRAGIC FLAW Hero discovers his fate by his own actions.
Characteristics – Part 2 Sees and understands his doom Downfall causes pity & fear Noble birth or noble status
Characteristics – Part 3 Learns from mistakes Faced with serious decisions Sometimes supernatural involvement
Shakespeare’s Tragic Heroes Neither fully good nor fully evil Almost always male
Examples of Tragic Heroes Macbeth Oedipus Brutus King Arthur
Modern Tragic Heroes Tony Soprano House Dexter –Read the article on Jack Bauer. Highlight examples and references to tragic heroes. Be ready to share!
Brutus as Tragic Hero Why is Brutus considered a tragic hero? What is(are) his tragic flaw(s)? Good traits: doesn’t agree with bribes, love for Rome and the people Bad traits: gullible, stubborn, murderer Tragic flaw = unwavering love of Rome Realizes the errors in his ways…surrounded by Octavius’ and Antony’s troops, desperation End? Brutus runs into his sword and dies, as a noble Roman. Look at the margin notes on tragic hero in Act IV of your textbook.