Ethics Program Final Report A collaboration between the MPA 600 – Fall 2007, MPA 504 – Winter 2008, and the Los Angeles World Airport- Ontario International Picture Source: Google images 1
Introduction Letter of Understanding Between Cal Poly Pomona’s MPA Program & The Los Angeles World Airport/ Ontario International Scope of Work: Assess the Ethics Training Provided by the Airport Picture Source: Google images 2
Introduction: Key Participants Cal Poly Pomona; Dr. Sandra M. Emerson – Faculty, MPA 600, MPA 504 The MPA 600 and MPA 504 Classes LAWA/Ontario; Jess Romo, Airport Manager Dr. Bennett Monye’, Airport Administrator Stan Rogers, Airport Administrator 3
Methodology Develop an instrument for measuring ethics Train students in ethics and on administering survey Questions in six core ethic areas Survey LAWA/ONT Employees Collect and Input data from Questionnaires Analyze Data Final Report & Presentation 4
Methodology 5 Sample Size Return rate = 71% Return rate per area Completed Spanish surveys. Survey Response % Area of Responsibility % of Return Rate Administration100% Maintenance/ Operations 69%-84% Public Safety56% Community/ Business 77%-89% Totals71%
Who Are the Respondents? Surveys returned from a total population of 439 Male, Years Old Hispanic/ Latino Some College/ Technical Training Responded in English Typical Demographic: 10 Years or More at LAWA, Does Not Supervise, and Works in the Operations area Typical Organizational
Literature Review Deontology 7 Four Frameworks: Ethical Relativism, Teleology, Virtue Theory, and Deontology Deontology: Looks at the principal of actions and why they are carried out as opposed to what is the outcome of actions. It considers the consequences of consistently applying a standard over time
Literature Review High Road & Low Road 8 Low Road: Primitive, reactive, negative, punitive High Road: Pro-active system, focused on human development and problem solving strategies.
Literature Review Can We Train Adults to be Ethical? 9 Lawrence Kohlberg: Moral Reasoning & Stages of Development John Locke: Blank Slate Theory Experience and the Development of Ethics
Literature Review Changing Demographics in Workforce 10 Heterogeneous workforce in American / Perception of ethical issues Supervisor leads by example Train leaders in diversity issues in the workforce
Ethical Behavior Consequences 11 Ethical frameworks / individual perceptions / reactions to an organization’s actions. Ethical frameworks & Information (attends to, encodes, and evaluates. Having a voice in the decision making process. Literature Review
Data Analysis: Honesty: Definition: employee awareness and understanding of ethical conduct both within and outside of the organization. 12 Modest influence: gender / phone bill
Data Analysis: Honesty: 13 Significant: gender / the sum of all honesty
Data Analysis: Honesty: 14 Modest Influence: area /there is a gap between what we say and do
Data Analysis: Integrity: Definition: Employees ability to uphold the truth and fulfill their duties. 15 Ethnicity / reward ethical behavior
Data Analysis: Integrity: 16 Area / disagree with ethics rewarded
Data Analysis: Integrity: Area / supervisor / reward ethical behavior 17
Data Analysis: Responsibility: Definition: Value opinions / Deadlines / Inconsistencies Evaluating Responsibility Inconsistency – Feedback and Policy Perceived Tolerance of Misconduct Problems with Deadlines Sum of Responsibility 18
Data Analysis: Modest influence: Ethnicity / willingness to talk to supervisor 19 Responsibility:
Data Analysis: Ethnicity / supervise / willingness to talk to supervisor 20 Responsibility:
Data Analysis: Perceived Tolerance of Misconduct Modest Influence Agree -Little tolerance for misconduct / education 21 Responsibility:
Data Analysis: Sum of Responsibility 22 Supervise / sum of responsibility score Responsibility:
Data Analysis: Sum of Responsibility 23 Area / sum of responsibility score Responsibility:
Data Analysis: Responsibility Greatest Influences: Ethnicity Education Area Supervise 24 Responsibility:
Data Analysis: Public Trust: Definition: Public interest / Concerns resolves / right to know / helping unhappy patron 25 Agree with Organization Resolves Public’s Concerns
Data Analysis: 26 Agency promotes public interest Agree that the organization acts to promote the publics interest Sum of Public Trust Public Trust:
Data Analysis: 27 Sum of public trust by area of responsibility Agree that the organization acts to promote the publics interest Sum of Public Trust Public Trust:
Data Analysis: Citizenship: Definition: Commitment to health / environmental misconduct / complains on coworkers 28 Significant relationship: Committed to Health / Area **
Data Analysis: Citizenship: 29 Significant: Gender and MySpace
Data Analysis: Respect & Collaboration: Definition: Respect & Collaboration in order to promote human worth and foster partnerships among the employees. 30 Employees treated fairly within organization Lines of communication are open Sharing difference of opinions Apologize for inconsiderate remark
Data Analysis: Respect & Collaboration: Relationship: Treated fairly / area / supervise 31
Data Analysis: Respect & Collaboration: Relationship: Lines of Communication / area / supervise 32
Data Analysis: Respect & Collaboration: 33 Areas for Improvement: Communication Consistent application of policies Supervisory motivational and sensitivity training
Data Analysis: Definition: Organization’s Ethics = Respondents’ answers to ten specific Employee Survey questions. Demographic / ethical viewpoints / Views on the organization’s ethics Individual Characteristics: Age Gender Area or responsibility Language Education Supervisory status Ethnicity Years in org. 34 LAWA/Ontario Organizational Ethics:
Data Analysis: Area of Responsibility & Organizational Ethics 35 LAWA/Ontario Organizational Ethics: Public safety ranked the lowest of the three groups
Data Analysis: Years in Organization & Organizational Ethics 36 LAWA/Ontario Organizational Ethics: Less than 3 year and more than 10 years: related
Data Analysis: Conclusions 37 LAWA/Ontario Organizational Ethics: Area of Responsibility and number of years in the organization influence the perception of the Airport ethics How to utilize this new found information: Consistent ethics training create, grow, maintain, and evaluate.
Data Analysis: Definition: The score was derived from questions 7, 10, and Sum of Individual Ethics: Sum of Individual Ethics by Grades not passingDCBA Percent 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% 33.8% 7.4% 21.2% 11.6% 26.0% individual would respond to specific ethical scenarios.
Data Analysis: Supervised others / individual ethical score 39 Sum of Individual Ethics:. Sum of Individual Ethics by Grades not passing DCBA Percent 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% 20.7 % 14.3 % 25.6 % 33.5 % 5.9 % 17.6 % 6.6 % 27.5 % 36.3 % 12.1 % no yes does respondent supervise others
Data Analysis: Sum of All Ethics: Definition: Composite index made up of all the individual ethic questions (22) in the 6 areas (honesty, integrity, trust, responsibility, respect/collaboration and citizenship) 40 Individual Characteristics: Age Gender Area or responsibility Language Education Supervisory status Ethnicity Years in org.
Data Analysis: Sum of All Ethics: Significant: sum of ethics / years in organization 41
The Training Experience 42 Ethics training / sum of organization ethics Ethics training (overall, instructor knowledge, setting & supervise, influence)
The Training Experience 43 overall rating / Instructors knowledge Ethics training (overall, instructor knowledge, setting & supervise, influence)
44 Training on employee communication Training topics (regarding gifts, contracts, public trust, employee relations, employee communication confidential information, records, public health, environmental issues, sharing information and/or use of technology) Future Training Needs
45 Training on employee relations Future Training Needs
Conclusions 46 Organizational Factors/ area, supervise and yrs. Area influence all 6 core values, Supervise influences 3 Years influences integrity and sum of all Individual / Demographic factors / ethic and gender Citizenship, Responsibility, Honesty, and Integrity.
Conclusions 47 Moving forward Literature review: Changing demographics in US workforce, High road approach to ethics. Based on feedback: Training using outside professional sources, Focused on employee relations and communications, Customized training for specialized areas in organization, Address issues of gender and ethnicity.
Conclusions 48 The Good NEWS! Sum of ethics unrelated to; Age Gender Area or responsibility Language Education Supervisory status Ethnicity Of respondents receiving grades of fair or better (passing) 67 %
Thank you, 49
Q & A 50