Irony 3 Kinds of Irony.


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Presentation transcript:

Irony 3 Kinds of Irony

What is Irony? Irony is about expectations. Irony: the opposite of what is expected. 3 kinds of irony Verbal Dramatic Situational

Verbal Irony A character says one thing but means the opposite Also called sarcasm or being sarcastic. Examples The boys’ locker room smells really good. Awesome, another homework packet!

Verbal Irony To find the verbal irony, ask yourself, what is really being said? If what the person actually says is not exactly what the person really means, you likely have verbal irony.

Dramatic Irony When the reader understands more about the events of a story than a character. You know something that a character doesn’t, or you know more than a character does. Example Tim’s parents are proud of the “A” he got on the test, but we know he cheated. Alex writes a love poem to Judy but we know that Judy actually loves Devin.

Dramatic Irony To identify dramatic irony, ask yourself what did you already know happened or was going to happen? Keep in mind, audience knows MORE than the character/s, so that is dramatic irony.

Situational Irony When what actually happens is the opposite of what is expected. Something about the situation is completely unexpected. Example General Kane’s last words were, “They couldn’t hit an elephant at this distance.” Bill Gates uses an Apple computer.

Situational Irony To find the situational irony, ask yourself what were you expecting would happen or what did you expect it to be? If the situation is something different than what we expect would happen or is the opposite of what you might expect someone would say or do, then it is likely situational irony.

Something that is ironic is unexpected. REVIEW Something that is ironic is unexpected. If unexpected by a character, it’s dramatic. If unexpected by everyone, it’s situational. If it’s sarcasm, it’s verbal.

Irony Practice 1. If you have a phobia of long words, you must tell people that you are Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobic. a. Type of Irony:_____________________ _________________________________ b. Explain your choice: ________________ _________________________________

IRONY ANSWER Type of irony: situational Explanation: It is ironic that people who have a fear of long words must say such a long word. It seems as if the people who invented the word did it on purpose!

Irony Practice 2. A rat infestation at the Department of Sanitation. a. Type of Irony:_____________________ _________________________________ b. Explain your choice: ________________ _________________________________

IRONY ANSWER 2. Type of irony: situational Explanation: One does not expect that an agency that works to keep things clean would have a rodent infestation.

Irony Practice 3. Mother: “I see you ironed your shirt.” Boy: “But I just dug it out of the bottom of the hamper.” a. Type of Irony:_____________________ _________________________________ b. Explain your choice: ________________ _________________________________

IRONY ANSWER 3. Type of irony: verbal Explanation: The mother is being ironic in that she is pointing out that the boy’s shirt is terribly wrinkled. She is being sarcastic in order to make her point.

Irony Practice 4. A person Tweets about how Twitter is a waste of time and energy. a. Type of Irony:_____________________ _________________________________ b. Explain your choice: ________________ _________________________________

IRONY ANSWER 4. Type of irony: situational Explanation: It is ironic that someone who hates Twitter so much would use the Twitter platform to share with others how useless Twitter is. If the person thought it was such a waste of time, why are they using Twitter?

Irony Practice 5. You comment on the beautiful weather you’ve been having just five minutes before a tornado rips through your house. a. Type of Irony:_____________________ _________________________________ b. Explain your choice: ________________ _________________________________

IRONY ANSWER 5. Type of irony: situational Explanation: This is terribly ironic because the tornado was not expected, and in fact, you commented just how beautiful it has been.

Irony Practice 6. In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Hamlet stabs through a curtain thinking his traitorous, murdering uncle is there, only to learn that he actually stabbed and killed the father of the woman he loves, and a man for whom he had the utmost respect and admiration. a. Type of Irony:_____________________ _________________________________ b. Explain your choice: ________________ _________________________________

IRONY ANSWER 5. Type of irony: dramatic Explanation: Hamlet expected to stab his uncle, who he hated, and instead ended up stabbing and killing the one person he trusted and admired. Shakespeare made the audience feel terribly for Hamlet through this irony, making Hamlet a typical tragic hero.

Music Makes Sense Create a chart on your own sheet of paper that includes the THREE different types of IRONY. Situational Verbal Dramatic

Music Makes Sense List in the chart the THREE different types of IRONY that you hear within the song. Alanis Morissette’s “Ironic” employs the types of irony we’ve learned.

Irony’s End Any questions?

Relate each to your understanding of IRONY. Quotes about Irony Relate each to your understanding of IRONY. With every mistake, we must surely be learning. -George Harrison The supreme irony of life is that hardly anyone gets out of it alive. As soon as you stop wanting something, you get it. –Andy Warhol I only quote others in order the better to express myself. -Michel de Montaigne The time you feel lonely is the time you most need to be by yourself. – Douglas Coupland

“Three Ironies Chart” + Q’s ASSIGNMENT! “Three Ironies Chart” + Q’s Sketch the chart on paper then fill it in plus answer the three questions; turn into box if you complete before the bell.

Name:__________________________________________ Eng 9 IRONY is the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning; example: the irony of her reply, “How nice!” when I said I had to work all weekend. No, working all weekend isn’t nice! In literature, irony is an action, behavior or attitude OPPOSITE of what is expected or of what actually happens. After learning about the three different types of irony, fill out the chart below accordingly. Then, answer the remaining three questions.

Type of Irony Definition of Example of

1. Consider stories you’ve read or movies you’ve watched 1. Consider stories you’ve read or movies you’ve watched. Now, cite an example of dramatic irony. 2. What purpose does irony serve in literature? 3. Recount (tell of) an ironic situation in your life?