Case Studies
The ‘Fits-and-Starts’ Organization 2-16
The ‘Fits and Starts’ Organization Implications: Inefficient, unprofitable organization Entrepreneurial environment – results in innovative ideas that employees can ‘run with’ Employees and teams are ‘flying blind’ due to the lack of strong direction and coordinated effort – resulting in failed execution Customer is someone to ‘react’ to The inability to create and articulate a shared direction results in limited growth potential Company resources are not effectively coordinated and best practices are not leveraged Characteristics/ Behaviors: Smart, entrepreneurial people who believe in ‘working harder and faster’ (not smarter) Decisions are made in a vacuum (no line-of-sight) Ideas are plentiful – follow through is rare Leaders are either too weak or too disengaged to set a clear course of direction and hold people accountable – they try to ‘get out of the way’ BU’s and functions pursue their own best interests rather than the interest of the whole company Relationships are developed within teams, not across the organization Compensation and incentive plans are ‘all over the place’
The ‘Status Quo’ Organization
Implications: Efficient at producing the same products and services Slow to respond to changes in the marketplace Growth potential is almost non-existent Innovation is neither valued nor delivered Top talent is hard to attract and harder to keep Quality and value are defined internally – not by the marketplace Customer Satisfaction is assumed Characteristics/ Behaviors: Decisions are made at the ‘top’ – and without relevant information from employees OR the marketplace External perspectives are not valued Leaders focus on next week or next month’s operation – not much beyond Classic “That’s not the way we do things around here” organization Self starters are ‘ejected’ from the organization Employees who stay are ‘comfortable’ – but certainly not challenged Employees work in teams as they execute against short term goals Values and behavior expectations are well entrenched
The ‘High Performance’ Organization
Implications: Able to innovate AND execute – turning ideas into profitable products and services Responsive to the marketplace and achieves growth by translating what it learns into a cohesive strategy and clear goals Employees are developed and collaborate to meet common objectives - resulting in higher satisfaction AND higher quality Everyone understands the ‘big picture’ and how their work contributes to the organization’s success – there is clear line-of-sight resulting in an efficient operation Characteristics/ Behaviors: Risk taking and innovation are encouraged – (no fear of ‘blame’) Information flows freely in all directions Strategies and goals are based on ‘informed’ consideration and understanding of the marketplace Accountability is expected Customer understanding and responsiveness is paramount ‘Creating’ change is valued – not just reacting to change Collaboration within and across teams is encouraged and rewarded Talent development is considered a critical leadership requirement