What does honesty mean?
Honesty in our daily lives When have you experienced honesty in your daily lives?
Being honest with yourself Turning over a new leaf Saying ‘no’ to lying and cheating Owning up to mistakes or things that we know we have done wrong
Being honest with friends and family Telling what really happened Being fair and open with each other Agreeing to always tell the truth
The importance of honesty – examples in the Bible Watch the short video clip: ‘Zacchaeus the Tax Collector’ (Luke 19: 1-10)
Sometimes we need help to be honest Ask God to help you unwrap the gifts of the Holy Spirit – the gifts of courage, right judgement, knowledge and wisdom. Using these gifts will help you to make the right choices and to stand by what you know is right. God wants you to succeed; he wants to guide you!
Mission: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth today?
Let us pray.. Lord, Please help me to always tell the truth. Send your Holy Spirit to guide me so that I may make right choices. If I am tempted to do wrong, please help me to listen to my conscience. Please forgive me for the times when I have been dishonest. Amen